Even After Death

Chapter: 1640

“I know you don’t like Cher. If I really can’t get it back this time, the one I can’t rest assured of is the girl Cher. She has been spoiled since she was a child, but she likes you. You, a child, also won my heart. I look at you as a good couple. Emotional things can be cultivated slowly. Maybe after you get married, you will feel that she also has merits and fall in love with her slowly?”

Li Tingchen said lightly: “Teacher, it’s not that Xiaoxue is not good, it’s just that in my heart, my ex-wife is the best. Even if it is a fairy from the sky who has come down to earth, I have only identified her in my life. I can promise you anything, but I can’t do it.”


Fu Nanzhi turned his words around: “Is this an order?Military orders are like mountains.”

At this moment, there is no gentleness on his face, there is only one person standing in a high position of power, controlling the power of life and death in his hands.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk.”There was a knock on the door.

Su Qingyu’s gentle voice followed closely: “Your excellency, I made jujube paste cake, is it convenient to come in?””

Su Qingyu’s voice was like a breeze, blowing on his face and blowing away all the haze, even the folds of Fu Nan’s eyebrows disappeared in an instant.

He is now angry, and no one who is familiar with him will take the initiative to blame him, and even Mi Wan dare not come over when he is angry.

I thought he would let Su Qingyu leave and come back later, but unexpectedly he said softly: “Come in.”

Su Qingyu pushed the door in, pretending not to know Li Tingchen, “Mr. Li is also here, fortunately, I have made a lot, so let’s stay and have some food together.””

This little fox didn’t come early or late, she clearly came to relieve herself on purpose, and her acting skills were getting better and better.

“I still have some things to deal with, so I won’t bother your excellency to rest.”

“Okay, next time.”

Su Qingyu put the jujube paste cake on the table beside him, and walked to the tea table, “What kind of tea does the old man want to drink?””

Fu Nan couldn’t move her eyes when she saw her washing the tea set with flowing water by the tea table.

Some of the past that had been dusty for many years hit his heart again, and he ate a piece of jujube cake with a more complicated expression.

Without getting his response, Su Qingyu hurriedly looked up at him and asked, “Old man?”

Only then did Fu Nanzhi recover, “Sorry, I made a gaffe.”

This girl obviously only had a pair of eyes that looked like that person, and she actually gaffe like this, probably because the taste of this jujube paste cake was too familiar, so familiar that he thought of his old man again and again.

“Or just Longjing before the rain?”


Fu Nanzhi was now able to get out of bed and walk a few steps. Su Qingyu remembered to support him. He raised his hand to stop Su Qingyu’s movements, “No, I’ll do it by myself. If I don’t move anymore, I’m really going to become a waste bone.””

“Well, although you are recovering well, after all, you are not young, and you are not as healthy as a young man. You should pay attention or pay attention.”

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