Even After Death

Chapter: 1665

“Don’t think of others as dirty.”

Li Tingchen leaned over and picked her up horizontally and put her on the bed, “Susu, you are still so naive. There is nothing good in the world for no reason, especially once a man has a heart for a woman, there is nothing but love.”

Looking at her scattered hair, he titillated a strand and sniffed lightly under the end of his nose, “But it’s a pity, you are mine, and you can only be mine.”

This night is destined to be an uneven and crazy night.

Mi Wan called for foot wash and squatted at Fu Nanzhi’s feet, soaking his feet with medicinal materials prepared by Su Qingyu.

“Old man, count the days. You and I have known each other for decades. Over the years, we have advanced and retreated together in ups and downs. In a blink of an eye, we have passed through the ages. Time flies so fast.”

Fu Changqing raised her chin, “You are still in your prime, it’s just me who is old.”

Mi Wan was originally more than a dozen years younger than him, and Fu Nan had been worrying about work for many years and grew older faster. Unlike Mi Wan, who maintained and did beauty all day long, from the age of the two, they were more like father and daughter.

Mi Wan held his hand, “What’s the matter?Everyone will grow old. It is the luckiest thing in my life that I can marry you. Now I only have one thought, and that is our children.”

Speaking of this topic, she sighed: “Changqing doesn’t say that he is a man after all, and it’s okay to start a family and start a business later. You can look at each other slowly, but our daughter is really not young anymore.”

“I know what you want to say, but people don’t want to marry. I can’t help but put the knife around Li Tingchen’s neck and let him marry, right?”

“That’s not necessary. I mean, if I have a better way, he will have to marry when the time comes, you just have to support me.”

Fu Nanzhi obviously had some bad memories in his heart, “Do you want to use those methods that don’t flow in?”Let me tell you, today is different from the past, and Li Tingchen is not who I was back then!”

“Regardless of the black cat and the white cat, as long as you can catch the mouse, you are a good cat. I have given you enough time. I am the only one who can’t handle it. Go out in person!”

Fu Nanzhi suddenly realized, “No wonder you asked me to hold this banquet, and said that it was for the child of Changqing to look at each other. You actually did such a thing under this banner. Have you ever thought about your current identity?”Not to mention whether it will succeed, even if it is really successful, do you want Li Tingchen to look down on us for the rest of his life?”

Mi Wan said with a cold face: “I only know that you taught me to go all out no matter what I do. There is no enemy who can’t be defeated, only myself who doesn’t work hard.”

Fu Nanzhi clutched his chest, “Did I say this to let you do these shameless things?”You are so angry with me, forget it, where are they?Hurry up and stop!”

Mi Wan sneered at him: “It’s too late. The person I sent just now has heard the movement coming from outside the door. At this moment, I’m afraid Li Tingchen has already regarded her as Su Qingyu, who just loves her so much!”

With a ”slap”, Fu Nanzhi threw it on Mi Wan’s face.

“What the hell have you done!

Fortunately, his body did not recover, so the slap was not too heavy, but the traces of five fingers immediately appeared on Mi Wan’s face.

“You hit me!You dare to hit me!Who am I doing this for?Not for you yet.”

Mi Wan cried pitifully, “I know that the person you have always liked is Li Tingchen. Back then, I was afraid that he would be alone, and our son was far away. That’s why you promoted Huo Yao. Over the years, I know your feelings for him. If you can turn him into our son-in-law, it will solve all the problems. I didn’t do this for the sake of Cher. I did it for our family, for the sake of the families on both sides, and for the sake of future generations!”

“But you……You shouldn’t use such a non-flowing method. What do you want him to think of you and me after tomorrow?”

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