Even After Death

Chapter: 1701

Today’s incident is a big deal. If there is an attack on this occasion, the news must be blocked now.

After Su Qingyu changed her clothes, she realized that the mask on her face had been broken.

After being stained with water and wiped by a bullet, she stretched out her hand and touched it. The bad thing about this kind of inverted mold is that it cannot be stained with water, but it will deform after being stained with water.

This face is unusable, she can only tear off the mask. Fortunately, she is just a mediocre doctor. Just let Li Tingchen give her a cover for a while.

There was the sound of a key opening the door at the door. She had just finished sending the message. It must be Li Tingchen.

Su Qingyu complained while touching his face: “It was so close, it was almost disfigured……”

The voice stopped abruptly.

The visitor was not Li Tingchen, but Fu Changqing.

Su Qingyu’s heart slammed into the water, why would it be him!

The situation has become the worst. I knew she would not be in the limelight, and now she has exposed her identity.


It was Fu Changqing’s voice locking the door.


The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, Fu Changqing took out the mobile phone, and the sound inside was extremely clear.

“I found out the person you want. She is Su Qingyu, the daughter of the Su family. She also has an interesting identity. You also know her ex-husband.”

“Say.”Fu Changqing’s voice was so cold that it was cannibalistic.

The room was so quiet that a needle could be heard, so that the sound on the phone was extremely clear.

The voice on the other end of the phone said word by word: “Li Tingchen.”

Fu Changqing hung up the phone, his eyes as if quenched in ice, “Vanessa?Or I should call you Miss Su.”

Su Qingyu didn’t expect that she would be exposed at this moment after hiding for so long, and Fu Changqing walked towards her step by step.

“Mr. Fu, I can explain.”

With a ”bang”, Fu Changqing punched the dressing table, and Su Qingyu’s body shook.

“So you don’t have amnesia at all?”Fu Changqing almost squeezed these words out of his teeth.

Su Qingyu knew that it was useless for her to deny the current situation. She nodded, “Yes.”

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