Even After Death

Chapter: 1728

“This was originally a trap deliberately set for us by Li Tingchen and his wife.”

Michelle’s face became more ugly when she was surrounded by him like this, “Why would he do this?””

“Didn’t you want to marry him before?He must have deliberately played this play with his wife in order to cut off the possibility of being with you. As long as you are hated by your excellency, there is no way to marry him anymore!”

“Yes, that bitch surnamed Su has always been brooding about me!”Michelle thought of the slap she slapped a few years ago.

No wonder she slapped her when she met in the stockade. It turned out that all this was their long-planned revenge!

Michelle cried and shed tears, “I don’t understand why I love Brother Tingchen so much, even he wants to do this to me!”I obviously helped him so many times.”

“People in this world are so ruthless and unrighteous, Cher, only I am true love to you. The surname Li has always been affectionate. He can do those cruel things to his ex-wife, let alone you. Everyone is just a pawn in his hands.”

Huo Yao hugged Michelle from behind, “Everything Li Tingxiao does is based on interests. In the past, he could leave his wife and marry Bai Yuanyuan in order to win over the Bai family. He is a shameless villain.”

“That’s not right.”Michelle suddenly reacted, “If he is for profit, why doesn’t he win me over?”Is our Fu family not as good as the Bai family?”

A gloom flashed in Huo Yao’s eyes, and then he continued to change the subject, “If you don’t win you over, it’s very likely that he is brewing another conspiracy, Cher, think carefully about what he has done along the way. He is an ungrateful villain who deliberately humiliated you over and over again, and now he has caused you to be kicked out.”

Seeing Michelle crying on her own, he raised his hand to wipe away her tears, and said in an extremely affectionate voice: “Don’t be afraid, no matter what happens, I will always be by your side, Cher, I am the one who loves you the most in the world. The person who loves you the most.”

Michelle raised her head to meet his tender eyes, her eyes flashed, “Do you really love me?””

“This is an unquestionable fact, Cher, after so many years, can’t you still feel my heart?”

Huo Yao sighed, “That must be my fault. I’m too subtle. I will love you more in the future.””

Michelle had been chasing Li Tingchen for many years, and when someone talked to her like this when she was abandoned by everyone, her heart sank a little bit.

To be sure, although Huo Yao is not as handsome as Li Tingchen, his appearance is also one in a million. He is usually personable and tall, and he feels very safe when he is held in his arms.

Michelle’s heart gradually showed signs of loosening in this snowy night.

Huo Yao took advantage of the situation, “Xue’er, you must be hungry if you haven’t eaten. I’ll make you something to eat.””

“Can you still cook?”

“Now the standard for a good man is to see if he can cook. For you and me, I have specially learned a hand. You wait.”

Huo Yao let go of her and vowed to open the refrigerator. There has been no smoke here for a long time. Even if the servant cleans it up in advance, there is no time to replenish the material so quickly. The refrigerator is empty.

“Without ingredients, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.”

Huo Yao took her hand, “Let’s go, I’ll take you out to eat, what do you want to eat?””

Michelle actually had no appetite. Now that she was thrown out of the house by her family and died in shame, she was still in the mood to eat, but her stomach screamed out of place at this moment.

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