Even After Death

Chapter: 1733


“Mr. Huo ordered me to take you to the hospital for a physical examination.”

Michelle frowned, “Medical examination?”

“Yes, Mr. Huo wants to prepare for pregnancy.”

Michelle blushed with shame. This person really wanted a child, anyway, he was right. When he became pregnant with a child, Fu Nanzhi would definitely calm down.

“Okay, you wait for me for a while.”

Michelle was still looking forward to a happy life with Huo Yao, not knowing that the Fu family had changed.

In case of extrajudicial incidents, Fu Nanzhi only picked Su Qingyu back and did not announce her identity.

On the contrary, Fu Changqing went to Su Qingyu’s room early in the morning, “Xiao Yu, Dad asked me to come over and ask what style you like. The Fu family is so big, you can’t stay in the guest room all the time.”

Su Qingyu waved his hand, “It’s very good here, I won’t pick it.”

“Xiao Yu, this is Dad’s intention. From now on, we will be a family. We will live together for a long time, and don’t you still have a few children?Did they squeeze into a small room with you when they came back?”

Su Qingyu lowered his eyes and didn’t speak. Fu Changqing sighed, “I know you are embarrassed to trouble us, but it’s just a matter of moving your mouth. The last thing our family lacks is money and people. You used to be alone in everything you did, but now it’s different. You have a family. You have relatives like us. Don’t be afraid of trouble. I’m afraid you won’t bother and don’t treat us as relatives.”

Fu Changqing’s words warmed Su Qingyu’s heart. This was a warmth she hadn’t felt for a long time except for Su Qiping.

“Second uncle, I didn’t want to understand. I like a warmer room, so I don’t have any other requirements.”

“Well, I will arrange a designer.”

“If possible, I hope……There are a few plum trees that can be planted in the yard. There used to be plum trees in our Su family. I like it very much.”

“Okay, is there anything else?”

Su Qingyu shook his head, “It’s gone.”

“Don’t be afraid in front of us in the future. No matter what happens to the family, it is best to have a business and a quantity. My father is already preparing to give you the genealogy, but he doesn’t want to make any extra branches. The matter of your identity is still confidential for the time being. He will announce it at the right time.”

Su Qingyu didn’t want to tell the world at first, this arrangement was very reasonable.

“I see, then your mother’s side……”

Fu Changqing was silent for a moment before he said, “My father is mainly guarding against her.”

Su Qingyu was taken aback, “Why?”

“In fact, Dad doesn’t love her as much as we thought, and even I think he is only responsible to my mother.”

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