Even After Death

Chapter: 1759

“It just so happens that I am going to see a friend today, so I specially brought a silver needle. If my aunt doesn’t mind letting me give you a few stitches, your muscles will be smooth.”

“Don’t mind, I don’t mind at all, I just want it.”

“Okay, auntie, lie down in bed and I’ll tie it for you.”

Zhan Yi slammed the door in, and saw Su Qingyu’s existence at a glance. He didn’t realize that the last time he said goodbye, his heart was full of her.

He came in a hurry, he should have been running all the way, so he could still be seen gasping for breath, probably afraid that he would run away again.

Su Qingyu had just taken out the silver needle, and his face was a little panicked when he saw him appear, “You, why are you here?””

Zhan Yi breathed a sigh of relief, “I came to see my mother, and I only knew you were here when I ran into the nanny downstairs. Why didn’t you tell me?””

Su Qingyu lowered his head and said, “I just came to see my aunt.”

“What about me……Zhan Yi’s voice was hoarse, “Why don’t you reply to my message?””

“Get out of here, don’t get in the way here!There are so many reasons why, I must hate you.”Tang Xinru said impatiently.

Su Qingyu smiled embarrassedly, “I’m going to give my aunt an injection.”

Zhan Yi was sure that she would not escape, so she stabilized her mind, “Let’s talk in a while, I’ll wait for you outside.”

Su Qingyu raised his hand and fiddled with a strand of messy hair behind his ears, with a gentle and elegant smile: “Okay.”

Zhan Yi was stunned and lost in this smile on the spot, closing the door and leaving like a marionette.

Tang Xinru complained: “Ignore my stupid son, he has never had a girlfriend, so he doesn’t know how to deal with women.”

Su Qingyu didn’t answer this topic, “Auntie, take off your shirt.””

In the corridor outside the door, Zhan Yi smoked restlessly, one after another.

After Su Qingyu said something like that that night and left, he had insomnia all night long.

When he realized that his special feeling for Su Qingyu might be love, he was also taken aback.

He knew that the person he was most unlikely to love in this world was Su Qingyu. He caused her to give birth prematurely, and he was the murderer of Gu Lian.

Obviously he should be far away from her, but his heart could no longer be controlled. When Su Qingyu ignored him, there seemed to be a small paw in his heart, which made him long for it, looking forward to the next meeting.

He waited anxiously for Su Qingyu outside until Tang Xinru’s excited voice came from inside the needle: “I feel much more comfortable, little girl, you are not a doctor, are you?””

Su Qingyu smiled softly and said, “The doctor is not a doctor, he just knows a little bit of medical skills.”

Zhan Yi opened the door and saw her side face smiling as she was packing her acupuncture bag, elegant and gentle, so beautiful that it was thrilling.

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