Even After Death

Chapter: 1762

Su Qingyu finished listening to her narration, “You should be hypoglycemic. Just go and eat something. I’ll help you stand for a while before leaving.””

But seeing the woman’s excessively white and weak body, her hand quietly caught the pulse of the other party.

“Thank you.”The other party thanked him kindly.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman in the distance hurriedly chased out, holding the inspection report in her hand, her face was anxious, “Miss, you really make me easy to find, you scared me to death.””

Seeing Su Qingyu’s gaze fall on the test list in her hand, she subconsciously closed it inward, blocking Su Qingyu’s eyes.

“Sorry, Sister-in-law, I think the smell inside is a bit unpleasant. I wanted to come out and wait for you. I almost fainted just now. Fortunately, this lady hugged me.”

“You are in poor health, so don’t run around in the future. If you really fall, just in case……”

The woman known as the fifth sister-in-law glanced at Su Qingyu and then retracted her words, “Thank you.”

Su Qingyu retracted her hand, “It’s okay, she has a very weak physique and has low blood sugar. Remember to eat breakfast in the future.”

The fifth sister-in-law took Mo Li, who was still talking, and left.

Su Qingyu stared at Mo Li’s back. Through the pulse, she learned that the woman had been pregnant for more than a month. Today, she should have come for an examination and drawn blood on an empty stomach.

It’s just that the woman’s body is a bit weird.

Although he is someone he doesn’t know, Su Qingyu, as a doctor, will still be a little concerned, because with the little girl’s current physique, there is no way to give birth to a child.

If you let it go, there are only two endings, one is that the child will miscarry after a certain period of time, and the other is one corpse and two lives.

The former is the best result.

Because of the woman and the mother, Su Qingyu couldn’t sit idly by.

She hurriedly chased after her. Because the other party was a pregnant woman, she walked very slowly, and she easily caught up with the woman.

“Wait.”Su Qingyu stopped Mo Li in time.

The fifth sister-in-law stood in front of her with a look of vigilance, “What else do you have?””

The look in her eyes is no different from that of a thief.

Mo Li hurriedly pushed her away, “Fifth sister-in-law, this lady is a good person, it’s okay.”

Su Qingyu felt that this little girl was a pure-hearted person, especially those eyes were so clean, they were as clean as herbs that had never been polluted on a snowy mountain, which made people feel pity.

Su Qingyu has always been very kind to such people.

Mo Li took two steps forward and looked at Su Qingyu with tenderness: “Miss, can I help you?””

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