Even After Death

Chapter: 1775

Speaking of which, Mo Li’s life is really big. She was not poisoned or drowned in the water. Instead, she was adopted by the Huo family.

Even if it was an ordinary family that took her in, it would not be able to afford her medical expenses. The Huo family must have spent a lot of money and thought to develop her into the way she is now.

But individuals have personal creations, and that’s all she can do.

It’s better than Mo Li’s inexplicable miscarriage in the future, which will lead to one corpse and two lives.

Seeing her coming downstairs, Mo Li’s face was a little nervous, and she hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her, “Sister Doctor, what’s wrong with my body?””

Su Qingyu looked at her clean pupils, and when she saw her, she seemed to see her former self.

She really couldn’t bear to hurt Mo Li, so she stretched out her hand and touched Mo Li’s head.

Mo Li’s figure is thin, and her head is almost only 162, which is shorter in front of Su Qingyu, who is 168.

“It’s okay, I told your brother about your situation, and he will tell you.”

“Why don’t you just tell me?”

“Because I still have something urgent to leave, let your brother tell you.”

Mo Li looked a little anxious, “Why are you leaving when you just came?”Let’s go after dinner.”

“Li’er, let go.”

“Brother A Yao, I……”

Huo Yao walked to her side and took her hand, “Li’er, come up with me, I’ll tell you.”


“Obedient, good boy.”

Su Qingyu glanced back before leaving, just in time to see Huo Yao holding Mo Li’s hand, his eyes full of friendship.

That kind of look is not like a brother to a sister, but rather like Li Tingchen’s gaze at herself.

Su Qingyu shook his head and threw out the unrealistic fantasy in his head.

It’s not surprising that Mo Li’s body is so poor that people pity her. Huo Yao watched her grow up, I’m afraid she would have regarded her as her own sister a long time ago.

Just like Su Qiping himself, even if they are not related by blood, they are closer than their biological parents. How can they think of them with such nasty thoughts?

Leaving Huo’s house, the biting cold wind blew, Su Qingyu got in the car to light the fire, and the heating blew away the mist and frost on the glass. She rubbed her hands and stepped on the gas.

Probably influenced by Mo Li’s pitiful life, she was in a lost mood and drove around this strange and familiar city.

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