Even After Death

Chapter: 1801

“Boss, just say a few words less. I think Miss Su has some real skills. Miss Su, please give me the boss’s head first.”

Su Qingyu’s temper came up, “It can’t be cured.”


The man sat up from the bed, he turned to look at Pei Luan, “I remember how many stinky mice you caught a few days ago?”Bring them over.”

Su Qingyu was a little uneasy in his heart, so he saw that Pei Luan had brought a few people.

Those people had dark skin tones, big eyes, thick eyelashes, and ragged bodies. At first glance, they were prisoners of Maocheng.

It should be that after being hungry for a few days, a few people looked weak. One of them still had some strength and scolded on the spot. He used Maocheng language. Su Qingyu could only understand a small part. Seeing the irritated expression on his face, it can be seen that he was scolded very dirty.

Su Qingyu asked, “What are you going to do?”

Xuanyuanying didn’t know when there was an extra flying knife in his hand. With a devil smile at the corner of his mouth, he stuck it in the man’s chest in front of Su Qingyu.

Blood splattered on her light blue shirt.

The man fell down in response, his eyes still open, just in time to look at Su Qingyu, blood quickly spread from his chest to the ground.

The man was already very weak, and this knife was enough to kill him on the spot.

The blood that flowed out wet Su Qingyu’s soles a little bit.

It’s not that her hands have not been stained with blood over the years, but she is principled, and she is a damn sinner who died in her hands.

Judging from the clothes of these people, they are just civilians who love their country. The man looked like Gu Lian before he died, all because of her innocent death.

No matter how long it takes, she still can’t adapt to such an occasion.

Su Qingyu touched her face subconsciously, as if she still remembered the temperature and touch of Gu Lian’s blood flowing to her face.

Xuanyuan Ying was very satisfied with her enlarged pupils. He got up and walked slowly to the dead man, leaned over, and pulled out the dagger in the man’s chest.

The dagger turned a flower in his hand, and in an instant it pierced the other person’s heart.

Su Qingyu grabbed his hand, “Don’t!”

The high-raised dagger still carried the blood of the previous person, and slid down the smooth and cold dagger to Su Qingyu’s face.

“Can it be cured now?”He asked, in a low voice, like an evil spirit crawling out of hell.

Su Qingyu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, “Okay, I’ll treat you.”

Xuanyuanying clapped his hands, and Pei Luan asked someone to drag the body and the remaining frightened people away.

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