Even After Death

Chapter: 1803

That’s right, she planned tonight’s escape.

Ask a normal woman who was arrested, especially after seeing a man so bloodthirsty and indiscriminate killing of innocent people, her first reaction must be to flee.

If she obediently obeyed, she would arouse Xuanyuanying’s suspicion. This game was also a competition between the two of them.

Su Qingyu’s voice trembled: “I, I just came out to get some air, I never thought about running away!”

Xuanyuanying looked at the woman in front of him tactfully with one leg, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “Really?”

Su Qingyu nodded frantically like a chicken pecking at rice, “Yes, yes, I really came out to breathe, don’t you want to kill other people, okay?””

“Since you didn’t run away, how could I hurt others at will?It’s just that it’s not peaceful outside. It’s for your own good to restrict your actions. I hope tonight is the last time.”

As he said, he wanted to carry Su Qingyu away. As soon as his fingertips touched Su Qingyu’s body, he felt her trembling strongly, as if she were some kind of beast.

“Just so afraid of me?”

Su Qingyu did not answer, but the fear in his eyes had proved everything.

Xuanyuanying patted her lightly on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, as long as you are obedient, I won’t treat you badly.””

As he said, he took advantage of the situation and carried her away on his shoulders.

Su Qingyu thought of the labor of carrying sandbags at the pier, and it was like the leader of a bandit going down the mountain to rob the women of the people.

This man must have a problem with his brain!

“Let me go, I can go by myself.”She hates contact with strange men. Although this man has no affection for her, she is not used to it.

After struggling for a few seconds, the man patted her ass with his big palm, “Be quiet!”

Su Qingyu: “……”

This bastard, sooner or later she will have to unload him by eight pieces!

Although Li Tingchen had hurt her before, it was only mentally, even when he was most intense in bed, he was worried about her, and he had never treated Su Qingyu in this way.

Even Su Qiping hadn’t hit her ass when she was so old, and this man who only met last night actually hit her!

Too humiliating!!

Xuanyuan Ying just asked her to stop casually, and he was stunned for a second after the fight.

Su Qingyu was wearing a pair of jeans, which were not thick, so he could clearly feel the elasticity of the hips wrapped in the pants.

This is a feel he has never touched before!

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