Even After Death

Chapter: 1821

Li Tingchen had to leave first.

Su Qingyu was carried all the way back to the temporary residence by Xuanyuanying. Xuanyuanying threw her to the ground at will, and Su Qingyu’s body fell on the soil of the garden.

Fortunately, it was not a cement floor, she frowned in pain.

“Run, you run!”Xuanyuanying spread out his hands, and someone gave him a baseball bat on the ground. He carried it on his shoulders like a ruffian.

“I will break your leg today, see how you escape!”

Su Qingyu was so scared that he retreated to the back again and again, “No, don’t break my leg, I won’t run away, I really won’t run away!””

“Oh, I won’t believe a word of the deceitful ghost of a woman’s mouth, I only believe in myself!””

As he said, he walked towards Su Qingyu step by step.

Su Qingyu was trembling with fright. She was wearing a small sling, with some dirt and blood on her jade-white skin, and her slender and flat waist was exposed. As she kept retreating, she inexplicably provoked the man’s sensitive nerves.

Xuanyuan also felt that his throat was a little tight, and that feeling came again.

“I promise to treat your head well in the future, don’t break my leg, I beg you.”She promised again and again, “It’s terrible outside, I really won’t run away.””

It seems that her trip out is not without gain.

“What about the pregnant woman?”Xuanyuanying asked.

Su Qingyu replied tremblingly: “After I saved her, I wanted to deliver her, but another group of people came. I was afraid that it would cause her trouble and acted separately. I was lucky to escape, and I don’t know what happened to her.”

“Bad guy.”

Xuanyuanying threw the baseball bat in her hand at her side fiercely, “Remember, next time, I will definitely break your leg.””

Su Qingyu was placed under house arrest and did not give her food for a day. Xuanyuan wanted to tame her in this way.

Not eating for a day is nothing to her. She looked at the sinking sky through the window. Now she can only pin all her hopes on Li Tingchen.

Li Tingchen didn’t disappoint her either. Just after entering the night, the door was kicked open vigorously. She curled up like a quail, and saw Xuanyuan Ying break in and looked at him with fear.

Xuanyuan Ying picked her up and strode away with her.

“Follow me!”

“Where are you going?No, you let me down, I can go by myself, I’m going to throw up!!”

Xuanyuanying didn’t know what gentleness was. He carried her on the plane and threatened coldly before she yelled, “If you say one more word of nonsense, I will throw you off the plane.””

Su Qingyu: “……”

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