Even After Death

Chapter: 1823

After taking a shower, she changed into a lace waist-length dress specially prepared for her by the maid.

The fabric and tailoring of this skirt are first-class, but it is low-cut and waist-hugging, which shows the woman’s breast enhancement and slender waist well.

Su Qingyu’s hair was braided into a long whip tied behind his head, and a bow was tied with a small piece of lace at the end.

Sexy and elegant coexist.

She didn’t care to inquire about Xuanyuanying’s whereabouts, so she prepared a big meal for herself and had a full meal.

As the sun set, she casually asked what happened.

The maids glanced at each other, obviously not daring to talk too much in front of her, and Su Qingyu did not forcibly ask.

Having already come to Country C, she is one step closer to finding the ring.

When Xuanyuan Ying came back with exhaustion, he saw the back of the woman lying on the terrace at first glance.

Wearing this skirt on her body, she looked slender and graceful. She looked at the full moon in the sky with one hand on her chin and didn’t know what she was thinking. The expression on her face was a little bit sad.

“Hey, Lao Tzu is back, give me a needle.”

The annoying voice sounded in his ears, and Su Qingyu didn’t even want to look back.

Seeing her unwillingness to be forcibly taken away, Xuanyuan Yan grabbed her wrist and forcibly took Su Qingyu away.

“What are you doing, I can go by myself.”

Xuanyuan Yan pulled her to her master bedroom, a room of about two hundred square meters, which was very spacious.

The ground is covered with white long-haired carpets, and the decoration of the bedroom is as magnificent as the entire palace, with many famous paintings hanging on it.

In terms of Xuanyuanying’s character, it is definitely not his handwriting, it should be a masterpiece left by the previous one.

He let go of Su Qingyu’s hand, “Lao Tzu’s house is big enough. You can wear whatever you want, and you can eat whatever you want. As long as you don’t run away and treat me with peace of mind, you can say anything!”

“Got it.”It’s rare for Su Qingyu to be so obedient.

“When I go to take a bath, you have the medicine ready first.”

After this incident, he felt a lot relieved of Su Qingyu. This was his residence, and he was not prepared at all.

Su Qingyu didn’t dare to mess around at will when she first arrived. In case there was an invisible camera in his bedroom, she might as well be careful.

Su Qiping had sent her to learn painting from a famous teacher since she was a child. Su Qingyu was stunned that all the famous paintings she had seen on the pages of the book were in this bedroom, and they were all authentic.

The last one turned out to be a collection madman.

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