Even After Death

Chapter: 183

“That’s right, this Miss Bai is calling friends, obviously she wants to see other people’s jokes, but she didn’t expect to become the heroine, which is too miserable.”


A minute ago, she was still the enviable Mrs. Li.

A minute later, she became a pitiful bastard that ten thousand people could step on.

How did it become like this?

Li Qingqing knew that she had been in a big disaster, how could she know that the bad old man she had scolded for a long time was Li Tingchen!

She murmured at the corner of her mouth to appease Bai Yuanyuan, “Sister Yuan, I’m sorry, me too……”


Bai Yuanyuan slammed a slap on Li Qingqing’s face. This slap contained her grievances and anger.

Li Qingqing’s face was fanned and swollen on the spot, and he didn’t dare to say a word.

“Get out!”

Li Qingqing covered her face and ran away, only then did Fan Chenxi recover, ready to comfort her with a few words.

“Yuanyuan, you……”

Bai Yuanyuan looked at her fiercely, “Is there your share of talking here?”Don’t you think that my dad likes you, so you are really my mother?Just you?Also match?”

“Yuanyuan, how can you talk to me like that?”

“I always talk to dogs like this. If you don’t want me to even fight with you, get out of here!””

The incident ignited the whole network at a monkey-like speed, and the xiaobians were brought up to work overnight, and they quickly exploded on various platforms in less than ten minutes.

Bai Yuanyuan wreaked havoc in the room like crazy, a world of difference from Su Qingyu, who is now in Li Tingchen’s arms.

When there was no one around, Su Qingyu poked his head out of his arms.

On the deck where snowflakes were flying, Li Tingchen’s cold voice was muffled: “Are you happy to do this?””

Li Tingchen is not stupid, how could it be possible to have a relationship with him in such a place with Su Qingyu’s temperament?

He had noticed it before the matter started, and he could have refused.

But today, he didn’t want to.

It’s just that he didn’t expect Bai Yuanyuan to be so stupid, digging a hole for himself to jump.

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