Even After Death

Chapter: 1834

This night was very difficult for her. On the one hand, she had to control her desire for the ring, and on the other hand, she was twelve points in the arms of a strange man.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan was really just going to sleep, and he slept very soundly this night, and he didn’t even wake up until the rising sun was rising.

He felt as if there was a woman in his arms, and subconsciously stretched out his hand and squeezed it.

I heard the woman’s cry, and the next second the slap arrived as promised, Su Qingyu kicked him to the ground.

“Rogue, are you finished?”

Xuanyuan Ying’s emptied brain became conscious, and she looked down at her empty palm. The soft touch in her hand just now seemed to be hers……

His gaze fell on Su Qingyu’s chest, his Adam’s apple rolled, and his black pupils darkened.

“You still look!”Su Qingyu hit him hard on the head with a pillow.

Xuanyuan hurriedly retracted his gaze, “Sorry, I just fell asleep and forgot that you were in my arms.”

“Get out.”

Xuanyuan Ying got up, and soon the red cloud on his face disappeared. He propped up on the edge of the bed and said, “I slept well last night.”

“Get out!”

Su Qingyu was so angry that he couldn’t wait to cut off his finger with a knife and take the ring away directly.

Xuanyuan had been distracted all morning, looking down at his fingers from time to time.

“Boss, do you have flowers in your hand?You have watched it a hundred times.”Pei Luan asked puzzledly.

Xuanyuan Yan threw out the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, “It’s nothing, you go and find me a few women.””

“Woman?Boss, you finally want to start a business. Originally, men started a family before starting a business. Look at your age. It’s better to get married early and have children than anything else.”

“Who told you I’m getting married?I asked you to find a few women who can solve your needs.”


Pei Luan was confused. It was really strange that people who used to regard women as water and fire would now take the initiative to find women.

But he obediently went to do it, and as night fell, all the women were invited into his bedroom.

The women are very beautifully dressed, there are all types, small white flowers, sexy, enchanting.

When Xuanyuan Ying came in, they all looked at him with shame and embarrassment.

The woman Pei Luan found was impeccable in both appearance and figure, and Xuanyuan pointed to one casually.

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