Even After Death

Chapter: 1837

Xuanyuan Ying walked quickly to the National Hospital and saw such a picture. Su Qingyu was sandwiched between the stars and the moon, surrounded by people of the veteran level.

They were wearing reading glasses and holding notebooks and pens in their hands to make detailed records.

The gray-haired old dean obediently raised his hand, “Miss Su, speak slowly, why do you want to add this medicine?”Isn’t this a medicinal conflict?”

Su Qingyu patiently explained the old dean’s question, and everyone suddenly realized that they all looked at her with admiration.

“Miss Su, you are so young, your future must be limitless!I don’t know what your teacher is?”

Su Qingyu replied: “There is more than one teacher of mine. The younger generation is unfamiliar with learning and dare not repay the name of the teacher, for fear of embarrassing them.”

“Miss Su is too humble.”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s so rare for a junior like this to be so powerful and humble.”

Everyone complimented, Su Qingyu got up and said, “I still have to prepare some medicines, I’m afraid I won’t be able to tell you.”

“The Fuhrer’s illness is important, Miss Su, please go ahead.”

Su Qingyu nodded and entered the pharmacy. There are thousands of kinds of Chinese medicinal materials here, which are very complete.

She murmured: “Cassia seed, Tianma, Qiang live, Angelica……”

She glanced up at the angelica medicine drawer above her head, and she had to weigh her toes to open it.

One more person behind him opened the medicine drawer casually, and a tall figure enveloped her petite. Xuanyuan Ying grabbed a handful of Angelica and asked her, “How much do you want?””

With the experience in the morning, Su Qingyu subconsciously jumped out of the man’s arms and pulled a certain distance from him.

“You stay away from me.”

This move made Xuanyuan very dissatisfied, “Lao Tzu has an infectious disease?””

Su Qingyu pinched his nose and made an excuse: “The smell of your perfume is almost killing me.”

Xuanyuanying glanced down at the lipstick print on his shirt, and just came out in a hurry and forgot to change it.

Su Qingyu looked very happy. If this man was dissatisfied with his desires, it would be enough to find someone else to vent, and he would not hit her idea.

She put her hands around her chest and reminded: “Proper release is normal, but don’t play too much. Be careful that excessive appetite can cause kidney deficiency and chronic prostatitis.”

Xuanyuan Ying gritted her teeth, “How do you know that I am overexcited?””

“Look at the lipstick marks on your body. They are three colors of three brands, so you have come into contact with at least three women today. Beautiful women are in your arms. Can you hold back only once?”

Seeing that the woman was not shy to talk to him about such a topic, Xuanyuanying frowned, “I’m not ashamed.”

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