Even After Death

Chapter: 1877

She was afraid that if there was any accident, she would not be able to leave tomorrow.

Li Tingchen had a panoramic view of her little thoughts, and her voice was gentle and comforting: “Su Su, don’t worry, I will take you away.”

It’s rare that he didn’t move his hands or feet this night, but gently hugged her in his arms. Su Qingyu’s drowsiness hit, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Until the sky was not bright, he was kissed on the cheek, “Susu, get up, I will take you home.””

“Go home?Su Qingyu opened his eyes abruptly, and jumped up without drowsiness in an instant.

“Okay, let’s go home.”

Li Tingchen rubbed her face, “Don’t be afraid, everything has me, Chen Ling has arranged everything.”

Su Qingyu nodded, washed quickly, and left with Li Tingchen.

It was just dawn when I went out, and the red haze filled the sky, smudging the sky very magnificently.

Su Qingyu hurriedly got in the car and rushed to the airport, his heart going up and down, even his eyelids were faintly beating.

She tugged at Li Tingchen’s sleeve uneasily, “Achen, I’m afraid.”

“It’s okay, there is me.”Li Tingchen took her into her arms, and the slightly hot breath dispelled the chill in her body, “I said that no matter what happens, you can trust me and you will be at the airport after a while.””

Su Qingyu closed his eyes, and the deafening explosion appeared in his mind again.

“I don’t know how Shi Yi is.”

“The man was not dead. He lost the ring before the explosion, but he should have been injured by the explosion. There was blood and no body at the scene.”Li Tingchen told the truth she wanted to know.

Su Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief, “The task is not completed, as long as the people are still there.”

This time it was not that they missed, it was that the information provided by the other party was not accurate enough, and it almost hurt Shi Yi.

“He should have escaped. There was a riot at that time, and later Xuanyuan’s people have been hunting him down.”

As long as you escape from Yuzakura Hot Spring, Shiyi will be fine.

Shi Yi was originally the person in charge of finishing. He would prepare several plans in advance to ensure that he could get out of the body, so the two would part ways.

Seeing the car parked at the airport, Li Tingchen walked out holding Su Qingyu’s hand.

After a special passage, he took Su Qingyu to the special plane.

The ladder was right in front of her, and Su Qingyu’s palms were soaked with sweat. As long as she got on the plane, she could escape.

Li Tingchen gently tapped the back of her hand to signal her to relax.

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