Even After Death

Chapter: 1878

But the more you are afraid of something, the more you come. When Su Qingyu was about to lift his feet up the stairs, a voice came from behind him: “Madam, I’m afraid you can’t leave.”

The blood in Su Qingyu’s whole body coagulated, and the chill penetrated from the toes of his feet to the tips of his hair.

Could it be that Xuanyuan had found something!

Li Tingchen was afraid that she would reveal clues, so he turned around with her in his arms. The thin mask covered his cold eyebrows, only to see his thin lips coldly hooked: “Xuanyuan Ying, what tricks are you playing again?””

Xuanyuanying was followed by a large number of people, and Chen Ling also led people forward.

Both sides were dressed in black, and murderous intent filled the audience in an instant.

The atmosphere became more solemn, and the war was imminent.

Xuanyuan Ying smiled wildly at Su Qingyu: “My wife’s friend is still in my hands, are you sure you want to leave?””

Su Qingyu’s heart was knocked down like a heavy hammer, and Li Tingchen felt the subtle changes in her body and gently squeezed her fingers.

“Friend?Why don’t I know what other friends my wife has in Raqqa.”Li Tingchen replied coldly.

Su Qingyu’s thoughts were also pulled back in time, even if Shi Yi had already been caught by him.

The most taboo thing in their business is to betray the organization. Low-level killers will say it under threat, but Shi Yi is an s-level killer. How could he say it?

Taking ten thousand steps back, she has always been very cautious. She has never seen Shiyi’s true face, and Shiyi will never know her identity.

They just joined forces to do two missions, not even friends.

How could Shi Yi know his relationship with Li Tingchen?

Su Qingyu could almost conclude that Xuanyuan was cheating on her.

Because Su Qing could not be found, his appearance was very suspicious. Once he got on the plane and returned to the country, he would have no chance.

So he wanted to seize the last chance at the airport.

Su Qingyu wanted to understand this and became more emboldened, “Mr. Xuanyuan, is your friend Brother Pei?”This is the first time I have come to Raqqa, and I am very grateful to him for staying with me for most of the day yesterday.”

Xuanyuan didn’t miss the expression on her face, she really couldn’t pick out the slightest problem.

“No, it’s a killer codenamed Shiyi.”

Xuanyuan Ying said coldly: “He pointed out that you are his accomplice.”

“Accomplice?”Li Tingchen sneered: “I don’t know what my wife did, but she was divided into the category of accomplices?”Xuanyuan, you’d better make it clear to me, otherwise this armistice agreement can be signed or unilaterally torn up!”

The two of them were of similar height, but Li Tingchen stood on the steps, half a head taller than Xuanyuan Ying, and his momentum was half that of Xuanyuan Ying.

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