Even After Death

Chapter: 188

I have often left since I was a child, but fortunately, the little ancestor’s small arms and calves generally can’t go anywhere.

She chased out with the cake, shouting in her mouth: “Young master, where are you hiding again?””

Looking at the empty corridor, Zhu Qing felt scared at this moment.

She only took the cake for a few tens of seconds. How could a child who had just learned to walk disappear from such a long corridor? She looked at the railing, and the young master should not be able to fall down.

But as soon as the panic started, Zhu Qing had to think about other aspects. She dropped the cake and ran frantically towards the bow of the ship.

She found Li Tingchen for the first time, “Mr. Li, the young master is gone!””

Bai Yuanyuan slapped Zhu Qing’s face, “Let you take the child to sleep, no child can watch it!”If anything happens to my son, I will feed you to the fish!”

Li Tingchen glanced at her coldly, then turned his head to look at Chen Ling, “Adjust the monitoring, go find it.””

Zhu Qing was already so scared that he was speechless, “I just went to get a cake, and the young master disappeared. Will he fall into the sea?””

“No.”Li Tingchen denied, “His body can’t get out, and it’s not that high, unless it’s artificial.””


Who on this ship would dare to do anything to his son?unless……

Su Qingyu’s face flashed in his mind.

It’s impossible. She likes Li Qingchen so much that she won’t do anything to her children.

Li Tingchen’s figure had disappeared on the deck.

All the people on the boat panicked. The cruise ship was so big and the child was so young. If he really fell off the cruise ship, he couldn’t even call for help.

Li Tingchen ran straight to the top floor. It was there that Su Qingyu had an accident last year. Could it be that she took the child there?

He used all his strength to run during this distance, and the snowflakes danced wildly around him, losing his eyes.

“Look, the snow tonight is so beautiful.”

“Li Tingchen, today is our baby’s death day. Have you ever thought about him this year, even for a moment?”

“I thought he was just a bargaining chip for you to retaliate against me.”

Li Tingchen later realized that she thought her purpose was Bai Yuanyuan, but she ignored Qingchen.

She specially chose today to make Li Qingchen a sacrifice to pay homage to her child.

In this way, you can retaliate against yourself and Bai Yuanyuan fiercely.

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