Even After Death

Chapter: 1887

“For the first time, my father wanted to be shocked. I thought she would reflect on her mistakes, but she didn’t expect her to intensify her mistakes and increase her mistakes. My father clearly reminded her to divide the boundaries with Huo Yao. She didn’t have to listen to her. There are still children. What do you want your father to do?”

Fu Changqing raised his forehead, “My sister is really spoiled. Then Huo Yao’s style is not good at all. In order to climb up, you can use any means. If you really have something to do with the Fu family, you will be prosperous with the Huo family in the future, and you will lose everything.”

Su Qingyu also knew that the black ship was Huo Yao’s handwriting at the beginning. If he really became the son-in-law of the Fu family and such a thing came to light, this fire would definitely burn to the Fu family.

No wonder Fu Nanzhi would rather abandon this daughter than have anything to do with the Huo family.

“Then how is Michelle doing recently?”

“Mom and Aunt Li took turns to persuade without persuading, and the girl wanted to marry Huo Yao with all her heart.”

“Aunt Li?”Su Qingyu heard him highlight this person.

“It’s Li Minglan, who is the dowry servant of my mother’s family. She has served my mother for most of her life. She also breastfed Xueer when she was a child, especially when Xiaoxue was in foster care in the country in the early years. She also took care of it. For Xiaoxue, she is not only a servant, but also half of her family.”

“It turned out to be like this.”

Su Qingyu nodded, “If that’s the case, then you should advise Michelle earlier that Huo Yao is not a beloved person. A person who only counts the gains and losses of benefits has more interests than everything else.””

“Who said no, but that girl is too stubborn to listen to any advice now, and her father will only really remove her from the list if she continues like this.”

In the end, it was his own sister, although she was unsuccessful, Fu Changqing was still distressed in the end.

Fu Changqing sent her to the door, stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder, and said solemnly.:

“Well, it’s getting late. You should rest early. You can discuss with me if you have anything in the future. We are a family.”

If Mi Wan is a false kindness who can only say beautiful things, Fu Changqing is sincere for her good.

Su Qingyu knew in her heart that she was very grateful, so even if Michelle treated her like that before, she never thought about really killing Michelle.

Whether Michelle can come back depends on herself, Su Qingyu won’t do anything behind her back.

“Second uncle, you should rest early too.”

“Good night.”

Fu Changqing also slowly adapted to the identity of the second uncle. Maybe his affection for Su Qingyu was precisely because of the family ties in the dark?

Who can explain clearly?

Su Qingyu closed the door and prepared to take a good rest, but one of them rushed over from behind.

The familiar breath fell on the auricle, “Susu……”

Su Qingyu turned around and wrapped his hands around Li Tingchen’s neck, while he lowered his head and pressed his forehead against Su Qingyu.

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