Even After Death

Chapter: 189

Li Tingchen was anxious and angry, Su Qingyu was still Su Qingyu, she had never let go of extreme thoughts!

In just over a minute, Li Tingchen experienced the ups and downs of a roller coaster in his heart, and his palms were sweating coldly before he knew it.

He ran to the top floor in one breath. This round of fireworks had been set off, and the next round was being prepared. The whole world seemed to be suddenly pressed the pause button, only the sound of his footsteps rushing upstairs.

The deck on the second floor was empty, and when Li Tingchen ran to the edge, the sea was still roaring, hitting the hull fiercely, splashing large waves.

He can’t see any figure. Is he late?

Li Tingchen’s whole body seemed to fall into an ice cave, cold from the head to the heart of his feet.

Zhu Qing’s excited and weeping voice suddenly sounded downstairs, “Young master, why did you climb here?”You really scared me to death!Found it, found the young master!”

Hearing this voice, Li Tingchen seemed to have just escaped from the dead, and his tall body slid to the ground.

The hot sweat that ran out of his body was blown out by the wind, and he covered his chest with his big hands, and the heart inside was almost about to jump out.

He covered his face and smiled. For the first time in his life, he tasted the ups and downs.

From hell to heaven is nothing more than that.

He didn’t see Su Qingyu, who was hiding behind the wooden barrel at this moment, squatting, watching the steady stream of snow falling in the sky.

At the last moment, she gave up the plan she had made early in the morning to make Li Tingchen miserable.

To be sure, she couldn’t bear to take Li Qingchen’s life.

He is so young that he should not be responsible for the sins of those two people.

How bad is she to kill a child?

While Su Qingyu rebuked his cowardice, he was not ashamed of this behavior.

She turned all her guilt into an explanation. Perhaps there were many misunderstandings between her and Li Tingchen.

Li Qingchen shouldn’t have paid for these misunderstandings.

And her previous plan was to die in the sea with Li Qingchen, but now she still has one thing unfinished.

She found out all the truth back then!

When Li Tingchen left, she was weak and dragged her tired body back to the room.

Ten minutes later, Li Tingchen appeared in her room.

He came, indicating that he had guessed that she had taken Li Qingchen away, and she did not take off the jade lock on Li Qingchen’s neck when she left.

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