Even After Death

Chapter: 1891

On the one hand, he felt that Su Qingyu would not attack a pregnant woman, on the other hand, he was afraid that Su Qingyu would notice his secret.

Huo Yao was exhausted physically and mentally, and he had to face Li Tingxiao’s battle. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

“Mr. Huo, Miss Mi called again, saying that she has a stomachache, so let you go over and take a look.”

Michelle’s health is very good. She doesn’t want Mo Li to give birth prematurely. The fetus in her abdomen is very healthy, and she doesn’t have a strong morning sickness reaction.

Calling him over at this time made it clear that he was looking for an excuse.

Knowing that Huo Yao had no right to choose, he said slightly wearily: “Let’s go.”

Michelle, like Mo Li, has no stomach, and she is still flat, but she has been lethargic a lot recently, and she has eaten a lot more.

Her physique is inherently fat, and she used to participate in training often to control her body shape. After more than a month of indulgence, she has gained more than ten catties and her face has become round.

Fortunately, she is tall and looks a little strong, and even if her face is not beautiful, her face value has been lowered by a few degrees after she has gained weight.

Huo Yao was not a Yan control, but seeing this face became more and more disgusting.

“A Yao, you haven’t come to see me for several days.”

As soon as they met, Michelle stuck to it like a dog skin ointment, giving Huo Yao goose bumps all over his body.

He resisted the physiological reaction to vomiting, with a smile on his face: “I’m not here anymore. I’ve been very busy recently. You wait for me at home obediently, and when I’m busy, I’ll accompany you to the hospital for a prenatal check-up.”

Michelle was holding a belly, and she had a small belly.

“Do you see if my stomach is a lot bigger?How healthy our son is.”

At this time, the pregnancy sac was only 1.5 centimeters long, and it would not show up at all. The circle on her stomach was purely fat, and Huo Yao couldn’t eat at a glance.

Even when Michelle was thin before, he didn’t turn on the lights, so he could only do it by fantasizing about Michelle as Mo Li.

She took Huo Yao’s hand and was about to touch her lower abdomen. Huo Yao hadn’t touched her since she was pregnant.

Every time he refused on the grounds that he was afraid of affecting the development of the fetus, the two of them had nothing to do with that, so they had no contact.

Michelle became more and more uneasy.

Just like at this moment, Huo Yao withdrew his hand, “Xueer, I have to go to work, and I will come to see you when I get off work.””

Michelle lost her temper and had to let him eat breakfast before leaving. Huo Yao knew her eldest lady’s temper, so she had no choice but to accompany her to finish the meal before leaving.

He didn’t know that after he left, he walked out slowly by himself. It was Li Minglan who had volunteered to come over to take care of Michelle a few days ago.

“Mother Li, did you get it?”

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