Even After Death

Chapter: 191

Su Qingyu was fortunate that she had changed into a dress a long time ago, so she could keep up with her stride.

She took out her high school to run at a speed of 50 meters. At the moment when several people escaped onto the speedboat and were about to start, Su Qingyu saw that it was too late, and jumped into the speedboat regardless.

Several people were running away from the end of the world, but unexpectedly, there was suddenly one more person on the speedboat, still a panting woman.

Su Qingyu’s current body is completely incomparable with that of high school. You must know that she didn’t take a break after running 1,500 meters in the past.

Rao was that she wanted to pretend to be vicious in front of a few people, but unexpectedly she opened her mouth and gasped: “You guys……Whoo-hoo……Put it down……Whoo-hoo……”

I couldn’t finish a word, and I had to hold on to the edge of the speedboat tightly to avoid being thrown down.

She herself wondered what it took for such a sickly body to keep up.

Facts have proved that the world is tolerant of beautiful women. At first, everyone was very nervous when they saw that there were many people on the speedboat, and the guns had already been raised and pointed at Su Qingyu’s forehead.

How did you know that Su Qingyu fainted before he finished speaking a word.

The man closest to her even reflexively supported her.

“Boss, what should I do if there is an extra woman?Do you want to throw it to feed the fish?”

The dim light fell on Su Qingyu’s simple and non-threatening face, and the white down jacket fluff swayed in the wind, which made her feel a bit sickly and weak.

The leading man’s eyes fell heavily on this face, “No, let’s go.””

The speedboat quickly left the cruise ship, accompanied by one of them’s complaints: “Is she funny?It’s not enough to give people a head.”

Zhu Qing watched all this happen inside the railing. She was anxious and angry, dragging her bleeding legs out of the corridor before being discovered by the security.

“The young master has been taken away!”Zhu Qing ignored his bleeding legs and crawled towards Li Tingchen step by step.

Bai Yuanyuan wanted to slap her for the first time, “How could my son be taken away?”It’s not good for you to bring a child, three times and twice……”

“Shut up!”Li Tingchen interrupted impatiently with a gloomy face. Zhu Qing was injured by Mukura, which was obviously different from the previous false alarm.

“What the hell happened?”

Zhu Qing told the story again. When he heard that Su Qingyu also jumped on the boat, Bai Yuanyuan’s first reaction was to accuse.

“I just said that the woman surnamed Su was upset, she must have found someone to take our child away!Ting Chen, you must save Qingchen!”

If Li Tingchen hadn’t beaten a woman, he really wanted to tear Bai Yuanyuan’s mouth to pieces at this moment.

No one with a brain would say such outrageous things.

He resisted his anger, “Drag her out for me.”

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