Even After Death

Chapter: 1941

“What’s the matter with her?”Mi Wan was very worried, “Do you want to call a doctor over?””

“When my sister was a child, her brain hit a stone in the water, causing congestion in her head and losing her memory of the past. Yesterday, her head was hit again. Dr. Su gave her an injection. Did you think of something?”

Mo Li let out a sigh, “I had a dream, and I was bullied in the dream.”

“Can you remember where your home is?What relatives are there in the family?”

“I just remember that I live in a very remote country. The person who takes care of me is my grandmother. She is very fierce. She often doesn’t give me food and scolds me at every turn.”

“What’s your grandmother’s name?”

“I do not know.”

Huo Yao frowned, but this information could not judge her detailed life.

“Is there anyone besides Grandma’s family?Where are your parents?”

“I have never met my parents. I heard that they went to work in a big city and left me to take it to my grandmother. There are many children in the village who are like me. Their parents have gone to the factory in a big coastal city to make screws, but their parents will come back for the New Year. My parents never showed up, so my grandmother hated me very much and often scolded me.”

Mi Wan felt distressed when she heard this, and stretched out her hand to touch her cheek, “What a poor child, don’t worry and think about it slowly, we will definitely be able to figure it out.””

“Although I don’t know where it is, I can draw it, brother, give me a brush.”

“What you need now is a good rest. You can check your life anytime. You can’t be overly tired.”

“My head hurts, I’m afraid, I’m afraid I’ll forget it soon, brother, please.”

Soon Huo Yao asked someone to bring her a sketchbook and colored lead. Mo Li was best at gouache and oil painting. When Huo Yao was not by her side, painting became the only thing that could heal her.

She immersed herself in her paintings day and night, so many amazing paintings were born under her pen.

What is different from her appearance is that Mo Li’s painting style is very rough. When Mi Wan saw the unique style of painting, her face showed a touch of surprise, “Are you Lee?””

Lee is very well-known internationally. Eight years ago, one of her “Against the Wind” surprised four people and broke through the siege in one fell swoop and won the Golden Painting Award. Each of her participating paintings in the competition was sold at an amazing price.

In particular, “Against the Wind” is the most collectible, and Mi Wan spent 30 million to take it.

This is already a very high price for a newcomer painter who has just appeared. Mi Wan is not only from a wealthy family, but also her grandmother’s family is a well-known scholar, and her mother is a famous modern painter.

Therefore, she has been very good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since she was a child. Her usual pastime is either listening to music or going to painting exhibitions to cultivate sentiment.

That year, she was invited to be the guest of honor of the Golden Painting Award. She admired Lee very much and wanted to get in close contact with her idol, but later Mo Li did not show up, and a small assistant received the award.

Since then, it has been like a sea of stones, and no works have flowed out. Mi Wan has always felt a pity that such a potential newcomer painter has been overwhelmed. Until now, the painting is still hanging in her bedroom. Remind her all the time.

Life is like sailing against the water, if you don’t advance, you retreat. After she embarks on this path, there is no room for regret.

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