Even After Death

Chapter: 1947

Because he had been in the rain before, Su Qingyu also wanted to hold an umbrella for others.

“Silly girl, who in the world can compare to your suffering.”Li Tingchen rubbed her hair and ran over with Su Qingyu in her arms.

Fu Changqing and Huo Yao are already facing each other, and both of them find it strange to see each other here.

“Why are you here?”Huo Yao looked at Fu Changqing coldly, “For Michelle, you actually…”…..”

Since he had drawn the line between Fu Jiayizheng’s words and words, Huo Yao had no respect in front of Fu Changqing, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were full of undisguised impatience.

Huo Yao, who is neither humble nor arrogant, can still make Fu Changqing look up, “Don’t get me wrong, I am indeed here for Michelle, but not to get rid of her.”

Obviously Huo Yao didn’t believe it. After all, the Fu family was a well-known protector. Who could watch something happen to a close relative.

“Then what are you doing here?”

“No comment.”

Both of them had to go in at the same time, and no one would let anyone, and the atmosphere was tense.

Su Qingyu’s voice came from behind: “Second uncle, Mr. Huo, your purpose is the same, so don’t fight.”

The two looked at each other, thinking of Su Qingyu’s words in their minds at the same time, how could their goals be the same?

Su Qingyu ran quickly, panting, “Mr. Huo, if I’m not mistaken, you are here today to find her family for Mo Li, right?””

Huo Yao’s gaze fell on Li Tingchen. What monitoring methods did this person use on him?

“What are you looking at me for?I’m not interested in eavesdropping on your bed and getting out of bed.”

When this sentence came out, it meant that Li Tingchen already knew about his relationship with Mo Li, but now that Huo Yao had already given up, even the Fu family was going to retaliate. What was he afraid of?

Su Qingyu also guessed something from Li Tingchen’s words, only Fu Changqing didn’t know the relationship between the two.

The relationship between these three people is very strange, just like the Three Kingdoms, they all dislike each other.

“Well, now is not the time to talk about this, Mr. Huo, Lingmei was washed away by the flood before, right?”


“This fishing village had a big flood more than 20 years ago, and I also found the plant Ziyesu on the cliff by the sea. Ziyesu is the most important component of the poison in your sister. Your sister did live here.”

Huo Yao nodded, “I can already be sure of this. This morning, Li’er thought of some clues that things provided me.”

Fu Changqing’s face changed drastically, “Xiao Yu, do you mean his sister is……”

Huo Yao didn’t understand, so he looked at Fu Changqing, “What does my sister have to do with you?”What are you doing here?I warn you, even if I give up my life, I won’t let your Fu family hurt her a finger again!”

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