Even After Death

Chapter: 2028

Now that she had run into it, she took the initiative to ask: “How is your leg running in?”Is there any problem?”

Bai Yuanyuan gritted her teeth and said, “Thanks to you, I can stand up, but I will live in the control of others for the rest of my life.”

“How can a man have both a fish and a bear’s paw?Su Qingyu said bluntly: “Besides, I have to use you to contain Bai Hao.””

“You are shameless!”

“Compared to what you did to me before, what kind of revenge is this?Su Qingyu looked directly into Bai Yuanyuan’s eyes and said word by word: “You deserve it all. You should be glad that your body has the blood of the Su family, otherwise, you wouldn’t be standing here with all your hair and all your tails.””

Now Su Qingyu has no mercy on the enemy, and she knows a lot of ways to torture people.

Bai Yuanyuan couldn’t get angry, so she looked at Li Tingchen and Qi Xiao, “You just let her talk to me like this?”Pray that if there is knowledge under the spring……”

Qi Xiao interrupted directly: “If my brother knew about the shit you did, he would have to climb out of the coffin if he knew it. He is a decent person in this life and can’t do things that hurt the sky and harm others.””

Li Tingchen was as protective as ever, but the object changed from her to Su Qingyu, “Bai Yuanyuan, don’t say a few words to Su Su, even if I kill you here, I will only applaud and fight well.””

“You, you guys……”

Bai Hao’s car also arrived. Seeing these people, especially Qi Xiao’s face, he was like an enemy, with a humble smile on his face: “Sorry, my sister is interrupting.”

Su Qingyu waved his hand, “It’s okay, take her back, don’t come out disgusting again.””

Bai Yuanyuan knew that the people present would not save her, so she did not struggle, and obediently followed Bai Hao away.

When the car drove to no one around, she was angry at Bai Hao’s face, and her fingers suddenly touched his hand.

Bai Hao stepped on the brake, “Bai Yuanyuan, you are today……”

As everyone knows, the woman who has always hated him took the initiative to kiss her. Bai Yuanyuan straddled on his lap and winked like silk: “Brother, I was wrong. I will listen to you obediently in the future. Don’t punish me, okay?…..”

As she said, her hand pulled away his belt, Bai Hao was in a daze. Did Bai Yuanyuan take the wrong medicine?

Facing the woman who threw her arms around, he was unprepared, leaning his neck to enjoy Bai Yuanyuan’s rare initiative.

When the love was strong, Bai Yuanyuan leaned over and said softly in his ear: “Brother, can you do me a favor?”

Bai Hao held her waist, “What do you want?””

“I want you to help me kill Su Qingyu. As long as I kill her, I will be your woman willingly in the future.”

Bai Hao stopped moving, his eyes became a lot clearer, and he knew how Bai Yuanyuan could take the initiative to do it with him.

“Are you crazy?Do you know who she is now?”

Bai Yuanyuan stayed at Bai’s house for a long time, turning a deaf ear to things outside.

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