Even After Death

Chapter: 2034

Pei Luan held the opposite attitude to him, “Brother, in fact, I think Dr. Su is very good. Aside from the things she did, she has good medical skills and no shelf at all. She is still beautiful and in good shape, except that she has been married. There is nothing wrong with it!”

Pei Yan glared at him fiercely, “Have you never seen a woman in your life?”She is still a woman who can’t figure out what to do with her ex-husband.”

Pei Luan retorted, “How many women have you seen more beautiful than her?”Better than her medical skills?Must it be Fu Nanzhi’s granddaughter?”

“Enough.Xuanyuanying stopped sharply, he pinched out the smoke in his hand, his face gloomy: “She can’t escape!””

“Boss, don’t mess around, this is in Country A.”

Xuanyuan Ying did not answer, shook his sleeves and left, “Find Uncle Fu for a cup of tea.””

He didn’t believe that if he could find a better condition, Fu Nanzhi could still disagree with this matter!

Flying to a neighboring island, Su Qingyu hid several children tightly just to avoid being discovered by others.

The island is located in an important location, accessible in all directions, and can be transferred anywhere.

That night, the two of them drank champagne on the beach and listened to the sound of the waves slapping the reef.

“Xuanyuan did not give up, and offered attractive conditions.”Li Tingchen’s expression was hidden in the dark, making people look unreal.

Su Qingyu frowned slightly, “What did Grandpa say?”

Although the two have not been together for a long time, Grandpa and second uncle treat her very well. Su Qingyu feels that Grandpa will not sell her on material terms, but people’s hearts are unpredictable, and no one can guarantee it.

“Don’t worry, your excellency didn’t agree, so he directly refused on the spot. It’s a pity that he didn’t see the picture.”

Li Tingchen’s words were quite gloating. You must know that he has been fighting Xuanyuan Ying all his life, and the old man can be regarded as avenging him.

“With Xuanyuanying’s character, I’m afraid he won’t give up.”

“Susu, you just have to remember that you don’t want to, no one in this world can force you to do anything.”

Li Tingchen was not afraid of anything, only that Su Qingyu had changed his mind.

The sunrise on the island was beautiful and stunning. Su Qingyu got up early in the morning, but she was dressed in casual clothes and didn’t plan to leave at all.

On the contrary, Li Tingchen was dressed in a suit and shoes, dressed very spiritually.

He hadn’t seen the children for so long, and he naturally wanted to make a good impression on them.

He leaned over and dropped a kiss on Su Qingyu’s cheek: “Wait for me obediently, I will be back soon.”

With the refreshing scent of mint, Su Qingyu simply grabbed his tie, pulled his head down and kissed it.

At this time, the rising sun was rising, and the orange light was jumping in the eyes of the two of them, and even her face was stained with a gentle glow.

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