Even After Death

Chapter: 2035

After a kiss, she whispered, “Okay.”

His figure disappeared on the island.

From here to the small town of Angus, it only takes a few hours by private jet, which means she can see her children in the evening.

Su Qingyu asked people to purchase some supplies and carefully prepared a sumptuous meal.

Xiao Wu is the youngest, probably because she grew up in the stockade. She doesn’t like big fish and big meat. Instead, she likes to eat some fruits and vegetables. Su Qingyu specially selected the best fruits and vegetables.

Wang Shu had a lively personality and liked sweets, so Su Qingyu took out eggs and flour and started baking cakes.

Chen Jing already has the demeanor of the second brother, and he looks very calm in front of his younger sister. Only when Su Qingyu is by his side, he will secretly be cute and coquettish.

He is not happy without meat, as long as he is fleshy, he likes it. He is obviously a premature twin, and he is already more than half a head taller than his peers and younger sister.

The corners of Su Qingyu’s mouth couldn’t help but curl up slightly at the thought of the children. When they returned to City A, they would be able to see Qingchen soon.

The eldest son she owes the most has not seen these younger brothers and sisters, and she is really looking forward to their family reunion.

Su Qingyu’s heart was sweet just thinking about it.

The afternoon sun poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the pigeon soup cooked in the purple casserole was cooing, sprinkled with some medicinal materials and red dates, and then stirred together. The taste of the food itself and the aroma of the medicine merged to make the taste buds secrete saliva.

Su Qingyu’s mood hadn’t been so good for a long time, and he even hummed a brisk song.

She is like a comfortable little princess in a fairy tale busy in the kitchen.

“Ding Dong!”

The doorbell rang.

This is the daily rental villa she booked in advance. There will be no acquaintances on this strange island. It must be a butler service.

“Here it is.”

Su Qingyu still had unpeeled potatoes in her hand. She planned to make Xiaojing his favorite tomato and potato beef brisket. Xiaowu also likes tomato soup and potatoes.

He walked lightly to the door, and as soon as he opened the door, his smile stiffened on his face.

Outside the house, a blond man broke into sight, his thin lips evoked an evil arc: “Er, I finally found you.”


The potato in Su Qingyu’s hand hit the ground.

After the plane landed, Li Tingchen was transferred to the small town of Angus several times.

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