Even After Death

Chapter: 2036

It was autumn at this time. The town was under the snow-capped mountains, and the trees of the entire town were stained with a layer of golden color, and the wind rustled down as soon as it blew. It was extremely beautiful.

The people in the town live and work in peace, everyone is smiling, and the happiness index is very high.

There is a well-known private school in this town. The standards for recruiting students are very strict. Once selected, closed learning will begin.

Not only is the annual tuition fee as high as one million, but even the teaching method is very alternative and the source is kept secret.

The students who can come to school here are rich and powerful, but secondly, no one knows the background of the other party, and the dropout rate is extremely high. Once they can graduate smoothly, they will definitely be rare in the future.

The confidentiality work here is too good, so he has never found out.

Li Tingchen looked at his watch, the children hadn’t finished school yet.

He didn’t take Li Qingchen much. He still picked up the child for the first time, which made him both nervous and excited.

Last time he said goodbye to Xiaowu in a hurry, he had a lot to say to her.

Xiao Wu can’t speak, will she be bullied at school?

Li Tingchen entered the campus to visit as a bright identity. The children in the kindergarten had already eaten lunch, and now it was an after-meal digestion activity.

When his eyes fell on Xiaowu, she changed her attire in the former stockade, wearing a college uniform, and her green eyes looked less alternative among the blond children.

She wears two small bells with five-color silk threads on her wrists. Although she can’t speak, she can use the bells to express her meaning.

She sat on the swing, surrounded by a circle of children.

Because she just hooked her fingers, the birds in the tree fell on the back of her hand.

Everyone is praising her for being great and amazing.

In the eyes of simple children, she is as powerful as an angel, and can make animals listen to her.

Xiao Wu was born with alertness beyond ordinary people. She suddenly looked in the direction of Li Tingchen, and her vigilant gaze suddenly turned into disbelief the moment she saw Li Tingchen.

big.Her big eyes blinked, she thought she was dreaming.

She can only see her father in her dreams, but now her father is in front of her, so real!

Li Tingchen called at her tenderly: “Little witch.”

Xiao Wu jumped off the swing and ran frantically towards Li Tingchen.

She didn’t know what happened. Obviously, her mother didn’t let her have too much contact with her father at first, but how could her father show up here?

At this time, sensibility is greater than reason, Xiao Wu’s face is full of happiness, and the bell on her wrist is jingling.

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