Even After Death

Chapter: 2046

The only thought is revenge!

“Don’t want to?”Louis turned on the automatic cruise, released the steering wheel, and looked at Su Qingyu seriously, “Why don’t you want to?”Do you know what Qin Shihuang pursued in his life?For thousands of years, from ancient times to the present, how many scholars and Taoists have made many preparations for immortality, and I am the most likely to achieve it. Intelligence and machinery can live forever without getting sick. Er, you are a very talented child. Why waste your talent, waste time with those ordinary people, and do something useful with the master? Isn’t it good?Master knows that you have a kind heart. You secretly funded a lot of children to help people rebuild their houses after the disaster and see a doctor for the seriously ill. As long as Master’s plan is realized, you and I will become the number one person in the world. Machinery will not get sick. When this technology is successful, everyone will become transformed people, so there will be no more sick people in the world, isn’t that great?”

This idea has existed in Louis’ mind for decades, and Su Qingyu didn’t think that a few words could make him change his mind.

In fact, everyone has their own ideals, and everyone has their own way of living. She is not a judge and has no right to evaluate the right or wrong of others.

It was her treachery.

Coupled with Louis’ methods, Su Qingyu did not dare to irritate him.

She can only act by chance, seeing that Master’s current attitude still has high hopes for her, her attitude can only be softer.

“Master’s idea is good, but it’s not that easy to implement.”

“Of course I know that it will take decades to perfect the technology of transforming people, and then it will take hundreds of years to establish a new order. Master is afraid that he won’t have that long to live, but you are different. You have become a medicine man, and you have succeeded!You can carry Master’s dream. If Master dies in the future, you have to continue this experiment. You need a long life and a body that no one can hurt. You must become a transforming person.”

Facing his paranoid and stubborn eyes, Su Qingyu just sighed lightly.

She was taken by Louis to an island, different from the base of the ice and snow world in the Arctic, where the four seasons are like spring, facing the sea and blooming in spring.

If it weren’t for what was going to happen next, she would be in a good mood.

Along the way, Lewis chattered, talking about how much progress his experiment had made in the past three years and almost four years.

In fact, Louis is a person who speaks very little, especially in front of strangers.

Only Su Qingyu was different. He regarded her as a boyar period and a confidant of flowing water. She was the one who knew him best.

Su Qingyu was a little absent-minded, and only the children were thinking about him.

The warm wind blew on his face, and there was an indescribable feeling of heat and dryness.

“I’ll give you a full-body physical examination in a while. I want to know your current physical indicators.”

Su Qingyu knew that she would be fine for the time being, and Louis would not immediately throw her on the operating table, she was safe.

But she had only one thing in her heart for the New Year, and she was finally able to reunite with the children.

Her sighing face was different from the elated Louis. He was clearly in his 60s and almost 70 years old. He was as happy as a child.

“In addition to you, I have cultivated another medicine man. He is the longest-lived one so far. Today is half a year.”

Except for her, the longest of the medicine people in the past only lived for three months, half a year, it was indeed a long time.

“And he, like you, came to the door on his own initiative.”

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