Even After Death

Chapter: 2049

He and Louis have a transactional relationship, unlike Su Qingyu, who is recognized by Louis as a disciple.

“Mr. Su, can you let me give you a pulse?”

“Thank you.”

Su Shiyu looked at the calm woman in front of her. It was no longer the sickly little girl she had first seen. After the baptism of time, she had transformed into a radiant light.

To be recognized by Louis, she must be very good.

Thinking of the despair in her eyes at that time, she said that she had no future and wanted to give him her kidney.

Su Shiyu asked, what would she want to do if she could survive?

She said that she likes to study medicine, but she made a very wrong decision in the past. If she can, she wants to enter Tianning.

I heard that there are many powerful doctors in Tianning, and she wants to study with them.

After all, she didn’t wait for her, she still became a powerful doctor.

Su Qingyu probed Su Shiyu’s pulse and frowned slightly. Although Su Shiyu had lived for half a year, his integration was not as smooth as before.

Therefore, his situation is not good, it can only be said that he barely kept his life.

“Mr. Su……you……”

Su Shiyu saw that she wanted to stop talking, a gentle smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she raised her hand and rubbed her head.

Like a kind brother, there is no affection between men and women in his eyes.

“I know my own body. I am very happy to see you again, and I am also very happy that you can transform into what you are now. You are no longer the crybaby of the past.”

Obviously, the two of them did not intersect too much, and his eyes were very gratified at this moment.

It’s like an old man who watched her grow up, with pride on his face.

“I……Su Qingyu’s throat tightened, and she was inexplicably flustered by the look in his eyes. She didn’t know why she had such complicated emotions.

Probably it’s compassion for the patient, after all, this patient has helped her in the past.

“Qingyu, don’t worry too much. I just think you are a bit similar to my sister. It just so happens that we are both surnamed Su. I think it’s just fate.”

There are only two young ladies in the Su family, one died tragically in a foreign land, and the other she once had a fate. She was a generous girl, and she was indeed a bit like her.

“Well, I know, I just feel a little guilty. If I changed my kidney to you at that time, would you just…”…..”

“Qingyu, don’t think so. Everyone has their own destiny. This is my destiny.”

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