Even After Death

Chapter: 2052

Su Shiyu clearly saw the loneliness in her eyes, “Qingyu, you……”

Just about to ask something, Louis’ excited voice came from his ears: “Perfect, it’s so perfect.”

He also had a thick stack of medical examination reports about Su Qingyu in his hand.

“You have reached the best in all indicators, but in only three years, your recovery is better than I thought, and you have fully adapted to those drugs.”

If you know that drugs are originally born to each other, and you feed on drugs in the early stages of pregnancy, how many people don’t even survive a week.

Su Qingyu was not in particularly good condition when she left, and now her body has developed antibodies to most drugs.

Su Qingyu knew that this was all the effect of Mother-in-law Cao and Yaoquan. After the acquired recuperation and several years of adaptation, she became a real medicine man.

“Er Er, you are the chosen one I have been looking for, and I can’t wait to start our transformation plan.”

Louis looked at her with glowing eyes, like the excitement of a hyena seeing its prey.

“Where do we start first?”Louis looked at her up and down, very satisfied with her.

Su Qingyu was horrified by his eyes like this. She knew that she must not say that she didn’t want to transform. Once she stimulated Louis, Louis might come stronger, so she couldn’t leave.

“Master, can the transformation plan be delayed for a while?”

“Delay?Louis frowned, “Why delay?””

Su Qingyu said softly: “Because I haven’t done what I want to do, and I haven’t found the person who harmed me in the first place. If you give me a transformation, I won’t be able to transform it for a while. In case my enemy is an old man, I will swallow my breath and go west without waiting for my revenge. I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

Su Qingyu knew that no matter how crazy he was, after all, Louis was still a human heart, as long as it was a human heart, there would be emotions.

Besides, Su Qingyu also vaguely knew that he had become what he is today. He had also suffered a deep hatred of the sea of blood, and he would definitely resonate.


His renovation plan lists hundreds of big ones.For small and medium-sized projects, they need to recuperate after completing a few items, and they also need to be repaired. If they are better, they must start the next stage of transformation. The first stage will take one and a half years, not three or two days to complete.

“Master, not to mention whether I can transform successfully, even if I succeed, with a long life, I am different from you. Revenge is the most important thing. If there is no enemy, what is the point of living in this world?It’s better to just jump into the sea and die!”

Hearing what she said, Louis quickly took her hand and said, “You can’t die, you can’t die, if you die, who will inherit my mantle?”Good boy, tell Master who your enemy is, and I will kill it for you.”

Su Qingyu’s taut nerves were relieved. Fortunately, she won the bet, and she must not turn against Louis.

“I’m still checking, but now there are some clues, Master, can you help me check who sent you the email?”

“Okay, I’ll let someone check it out. You have to be obedient and don’t look for death or life.”

Louis ran away like a wind.

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