Even After Death

Chapter: 2053

Su Shiyu witnessed all this, glanced at the empty surroundings and lowered his voice: “Qingyu, you don’t want to, do you?”

“Master saved me. He is a pure and crazy medical scientist. I have too many things I can’t give up. I can’t do something as pure as him, but I can’t refuse.”

After all, the day he rescued her, the two signed a contract.

In addition, Su Qingyu was also very grateful to Louis for teaching her medical skills in a sincere manner.

This is a dead end, and she can’t break it except for procrastination.

Life has always been like this, and it has been difficult to do both since ancient times.

The warm sea breeze blew, and Su Shiyu coughed a few times.

“Mr. Su, what agreement have you reached with my master?”Su Qingyu didn’t want to mention this heavy topic and moved on to him.

“I provided scientific research funds and agency rights for some drug cooperation, and Louis agreed. You know, scientific research costs money. Your master has a scientific research mind, but he has no business mind.”

“That’s right.”

The things he developed were supplied to junkies, and junkies became famous. If he applied for a patent and went public, he would not know how much money he would make.

“Then what do you do?”

“Let’s drag it out, as long as it can be dragged out, I don’t want to hurt Master, nor do I want to be a reformer.”

“Are you reconciled with Li Tingchen?I heard that you were very ugly back then.”

Su Qingyu smiled bitterly: “Yes, it’s an evil fate that can’t be escaped.”

“In fact, life is only a matter of a few decades. As long as you have a happy life, you don’t have to worry about so much else. It’s good to live.”

“Mr. Su has changed a lot compared to before.”

“You have changed too much, Qingyu, you and I have known each other for a while. If there is anything I can do to help, just tell me. If it weren’t for your help back then, I’m afraid that Xiao Wu’s body would turn into bones. We are still in the drum.”

“I just did it with a little effort.Su Qingyu nodded, “Mr. Su is here for treatment, does your family know?””

She knew Louis’ character and regarded the experimental base more important than anything else, so she would not let outsiders know.

Su Shiyu shook his head, “No, I don’t want them to worry, but my health is much better now than when I left Su’s house.””

Su Qingyu looked at the floating clouds on the horizon, “It will definitely get better.”

Soon Louis brought the answer and found the ip of the email. It was a black Internet cafe in a small country. There was no monitoring and no one could be found.

That person is still cautious and careful in the past, doing things without leaking.

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