Even After Death

Chapter: 2061

“Seeing that your assistant is not very old, the professor is so relieved of her?”Li Lanrui was a little angry.

Louis yawned, originally wanting to go back to sleep.

Unexpectedly, hearing Li Lanrui’s words, he turned to look at her with a speechless expression on his face: “I don’t worry, does she worry about you?What kind of thing are you a little mouse?”

Louis’ words were like a slap on Li Lanrui’s face. In his eyes, she was worthless, not as good as Su Qingyu.

It was a great blow to the arrogant Li Lanrui, but she did not dare to attack, and swallowed this breath for life.


“Come with me.”Su Qingyu turned around and walked to the front.

After a long underground passage, Su Qingyu opened his mouth: “I know, you want to kill me.”

“I also know that you also want revenge.”

The two knew each other’s movements well, and they knew that they would not choose to do it on Louis’s territory.

Junkies still need to rely on Louis. Su Qingyu is his disciple. She is not so stupid to be an enemy of Louis.

Li Lanrui is the most important data monitor, and Su Qingyu can’t move her either.

After the two finished the transaction, Li Lanrui stared at Su Qingyu’s eyebrows, “I really didn’t expect you to become Louis’ apprentice. He hasn’t accepted apprentices for many years.”

There was some contempt in that voice, Su Qingyu smiled coldly, “I didn’t expect that you would be able to stand up one day with your limbs broken.””

“Thanks to you, if you don’t die for a day, I won’t let you go.”

The two of them stood in the port, Su Qingyu took off the mask on her face. The face under the mask was still beautiful, but her beauty used to look very weak, but now there is more Sa Qi in it.

“Li Lanrui, I won’t let you go!Live well and wait for the trial!”

Li Lanrui sneered: “I will give you this.”

“To be honest, I’m very curious. Let’s do it again. Is it you or me that your brother chose?”

Su Qingyu touched the place where his wrist had been injured, “I really want you to taste the pain in the past.”

“It’s a long time coming.”

Li Lanrui turned and went on the deck, the night wind blowing their long hair.

Originally, they were supposed to be a family, and Su Qingyu would feel very distressed about Li Lanrui’s past and treat her well. It was Li Lanrui who completely broke all this, and they could only become long-cherished enemies who would never die in their lives.

“Li Lanrui, have you ever regretted it?”

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