Even After Death

Chapter: 2066

There was no sign of her coming back this time, and even Li Tingchen didn’t know when she entered the country.

It’s no wonder Su Qingyu deliberately concealed it. After all, Li Lanrui already knew her way down, and it would be easy to be intercepted if she was not careful.

She didn’t show the slightest wind along the way, and came back quietly.

Wang Jing and Wang Shu ran towards her quickly, “Mom.”

Su Qingyu took the two children into her arms. She hadn’t seen them for a semester, and the children had grown a lot taller.

The sound of bells came from her ears, and Xiao Wu struggled out of Li Tingchen’s arms and ran straight towards Su Qingyu.

She can’t speak, she can only shake the bell to express her thoughts.

Li Tingchen had had many dreams of this kind of picture before, but only this time the children and Su Qingyu were there, which was more beautiful than any dream.

“Susu.”Li Tingchen stood still in front of her, carefully examining whether she was thin.

Su Qingyu got up and took the initiative to hug him, “I’m back.”

When I came back, it seemed that I had returned to this family, and my eyes were hot.

“Oh, it’s so touching.”

Chen Feng wiped tears from his eyes with his pocket, “I still remember the picture of my wife falling into the sea. It has been so many years.”

Chen Lingyu also sighed a little, looking at the snowflakes on the horizon, “It snowed so hard that day.”

The family of four was finally reunited.

On the way home, the children were bouncing and happy like a little bird.

“Mom, Dad said to make soup for us at night.”


Su Qingyu was holding the twins, while Li Tingchen was holding Xiao Wu. The picture looked as happy as it was.

There were many snowmen piled up in the yard, two snowmen with four little snowmen.

The tallest one is Li Qingchen, the eldest brother of several children.

The heating in the room was like spring, and the children were playing with each other.

Li Tingchen took off his coat, unbuttoned the neckline of his shirt, took off his sleeve buttons, rolled his sleeves to his elbows, took the apron on the side and tied it to his body, carried the vegetables and went to the kitchen.

Su Qingyu followed in, she leaned lazily against the door frame, “I heard that you have been with them these days?You made all their three meals a day by yourself.”

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