Even After Death

Chapter: 2069

Li Tingchen hurriedly extinguished the smoke, “I……”

Su Qingyu stepped forward and hugged his waist, “I know what you are thinking, I believe you.””

Li Tingchen has always been a person who loves and hates clearly. When he hated Su Qingyu, he was as cold as he wanted to be. Now he really wants to regret it, how could he do that face-to-face and back-to-back thing.

At least Su Qingyu didn’t blame him for this matter.


Su Qingyu raised his hand and gently wiped away the blood and put a band-aid on him.

“Let’s go, the children are still waiting for you to cook.”

Li Tingchen lowered his eyes to meet Su Qingyu’s gentle eyes, his heart ached badly, and he felt terribly guilty.

It is clear that he treated Su Qingyu like that before, but she can still be by her side today and let go of the past.

The two clasped their fingers in the snow and returned to the room.

Li Tingchen was cooking, and the twins were running crazy outside. Xiao Wu was a natural medicine fetus. Her physical fitness was very good, but she was quietly staying by Su Qingyu’s side at the moment.

Su Qingyu played chess with her, and there was only the sound of chess pieces falling on the board in the quiet room.

Xiao Wu has a delicate mind and a clear mind, but she can’t speak.

Over the years, Su Qingyu found the best doctor to see her. She tried all methods, but in the end she still couldn’t cure Xiaowu.

Therefore, Su Qingyu was always very patient when facing this daughter, playing with her and laughing with her.

Xiao Wu is the youngest, but her temperament is the most stable and mature.

She pointed to Li Tingchen in the kitchen and made a sign language, “Mom, are you reconciled?””

She remembered that Su Qingyu still had a cold attitude towards Li Tingchen when she was in the stockade, and the two of them were much better when they came back this time.

Su Qingyu asked rhetorically: “Then do you want me to make up with him?”

Xiao Wu lost the last son. Although he lost, Su Qingyu didn’t take advantage of it.

She pointed to the board, “Life is like chess.”

To lose is to win, and to win is to lose.

Su Qingyu understood what she meant, even if she won, she would lose a lot.

Xiao Wu changed another son, and when he lost chess, he became a chess match, and everyone was happy.

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