Even After Death

Chapter: 2076

Even Li Tingchen, who had always been disliked by him, was a lot more pleasing to the eye under the filter of the child’s aura. When he passed by Li Tingchen, he patted him on the shoulder, “I’ll stay tonight and have a casual meal together.””

Li Tingchen: “……yes.”

Is it just a casual meal?Compared with not letting him come to Fu’s house a while ago, this can be regarded as an improvement.

The outdoor playgrounds that Fu Changqing had decorated for the children before also worked. Even in the ice and snow, the children had a great time.

Mo Li stood under the eaves of the house, looking at the children with envy.

Huo Yao put a big one on her.The big fox fur cloak blocked her from the wind and snow outside.

“A Yao, I envy Qingyu for having so many children.”

She subconsciously touched her lower abdomen, “If that child is still there……”

Huo Yao stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, his eyebrows were distressed, “Li’er, you know, even if there is no Michelle, the child can’t stay.”

“But I still miss it.”

“Whether there are children or not, I will be by your side in this life, you have me.”

Huo Yao felt distressed and took Mo Li’s hand, but after being blown for such a while, her palm was cold.

“A Yao, prepare some gifts for the children for me. I owe you too much.”

Huo Yao looked at Su Qingyu’s back in the distance, and a deep meaning appeared in the depths of his eyes, “I will give her a big gift.””

Mo Li looked at him, and didn’t quite understand what Huo Yao’s gift was, “Okay.”

While Li Tingchen was with the child, Huo Yao slowly walked to Su Qingyu’s side, “Is it convenient to talk?””

Su Qingyu saw that he had something to say, so he followed him away.

“What are you going to say?”

“Thank you for Li’er.”

Huo Yao knew that Mo Li’s recovery so quickly was Su Qingyu’s reason, and he sincerely apologized.

He took out a file bag, “This is the reward.”

Su Qingyu pinched it and found that it was a bit thick, which should be a kind of information.

“Then I will accept it.”Su Qingyu thought of the previous deal with Bai Hao, maybe this is the answer she wanted to know.

Huo Yao turned and left, and Su Qingyu found a place where there was no one to open the file bag.

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