Even After Death

Chapter: 2124

Shi Yi tried her best to trick her into this private island, so she would not be given a chance to escape.

The others also knew each other and left, leaving only two of them.

Su Qingyu simply sat down on a chair beside her, the parasol above her head covered a large area of sunlight, and the sea breeze was blowing her hair.

“Xuanyuan Ying, you have done so much in your heart, what do you want to do?””

Xuanyuanying walked towards her step by step, “Dr. Su, I thought I had already made it very clear. If I can’t make a marriage proposal when I visit, then I have to salute first and then fight.””

Su Qingyu’s expression was cold, “Anyway, you are also the king of a country, how can you be so shameless!””

“Shameless is right. The rule that I believe in is that if you can’t beat it, you have to grab it. If you can’t grab it, you have to grab it. I grabbed this position today.”

He propped his hands on the armrests of the chair, and said with a domineering expression: “If you want to blame, you have to provoke me!Dr. Su, it’s too late to regret it now.”

“Xuanyuan Ying, I have been married and have four children!What kind of woman can’t you find for a person of your status?Do you have to be me?”

“Do you still have children?Xuanyuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, showing a dangerous look.

Su Qingyu nodded frantically: “Yes, I told you from the beginning that I was married and had four children.”

His gaze swept around her, “How does your figure look like you have given birth to four children?”Do you still want to lie to me?”

Su Qingyu took out his mobile phone and brought up the photo album inside, “Look, they are my children.”

Xuanyuan Ying grabbed her mobile phone and threw it into the swimming pool. Su Qingyu’s face changed drastically, “Give it back to me!””

“Dr. Su, you are so naive. I don’t mind if you have been married. Do you think I care if you have had a child?””

“Lunatic, you are simply a lunatic!”

Su Qingyu pushed him away and quickly jumped into the pool, like a fish flexibly grabbing her mobile phone. She grabbed the armrest and slowly climbed up, but Xuanyuanying stopped her way, squatting down and looking at her with a look of hostility.

“Dr. Su, do you know what a male in the animal world would do if he wanted a female to be in estrus quickly?”

Drops of water dripped from Su Qingyu’s face into the pool one by one, rippling in circles.

A few drops of water were stained on the long eyelashes, and the movement of her blinking was particularly pitiful.

Xuanyuanying said in her ear word by word: “That is to kill the cubs, so that the mother beast will soon be in estrus.”

Su Qingyu frowned tightly, her eyes suddenly turned cold, “Are you threatening me?””

“No, I’m just stating a fact. I went from having nothing and being stepped on the mud under my feet to my current status. Do you know how much I paid?If it weren’t for the Virgin’s heart, I would have died a hundred and eighty times, so you’d better be obedient when I talk to you well, otherwise I can’t guarantee what I’m going to do.”

The children were Su Qingyu’s weakness. She raised her hand and hit Xuanyuanying’s face, “If you dare to touch my child, I will kill you.””

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