Even After Death

Chapter: 2130

Xuanyuanying said seriously: “Do you think I have never seen a beautiful woman in my position today, or have I never seen a powerful beauty?”There has never been a shortage of good-looking people in this world, but with a special soul like you, you are the only one who makes me feel moved. If you want to blame, you can blame yourself for provoking me first.”

The two of them were calm and tried to convince each other, but the truth was that they had their own opinions, and the problem returned to the original point in the middle of the night.

“Dr. Su, actually, I don’t quite understand what you are waiting for?If you like him, remarry with him. I won’t take away the married woman. If you don’t give him a chance, it means you have no confidence in him and don’t want to repeat the same mistakes. Then why don’t you want to give me a chance?”

“Xuanyuan, just because I don’t give him a chance doesn’t mean I want to give you a chance, or is it not good for me to be beautiful alone?”Just came out of the cage of marriage and jumped into another Longtan?”

“If this is the case, you won’t fight with him day and night, which means that you still have a place for him in your heart, but how long do you think his love for you can last?”

“It’s really hard for you to persuade me for so long. Do you know how long I have known him?He has never given up looking for me after I disappeared in the past three years. If this is not love, what is it?”

Xuanyuan Ying smiled inscrutably: “That’s when he knows you are still alive, what if he thinks you are dead?”

The expression on Su Qingyu’s face changed instantly, “What do you mean?””

“Remember when you changed planes halfway?The first one exploded during the flight, and none of the crew survived, including you.”

“Xuanyuan, are you so interesting?”

Su Qingyu was about to get up immediately, “You know that my grandfather is getting older, how can his old man withstand such a blow?”And my children, they will definitely wash their faces in tears every day, you let me go back.”

“Dr. Su, I have no choice. I just want you to understand one thing. Men are people who like the new and hate the old. After Li Tingchen learned of your death, can he hold on for half a year or a year?Anyway, your bones have been crushed, and they won’t find dnA.”

Su Qingyu was so angry that he wanted to beat someone up, “Are you a three-year-old?”Just for your false reason, you made my family worry about me, Xuanyuan, let me go back!”

She grabbed Xuanyuanying by the collar, “If something happens to my grandfather, I will definitely not finish with you.””

Xuanyuanying gently took her hand down, “Your grandfather can sit where he is today. He hasn’t seen any strong winds and waves. Dr. Su, I won’t move you for the time being. Just stay on the island obediently. I won’t let you go. Don’t think you can escape from the sea. The entire sea area is my private domain, not to mention that there is a military base nearby. It’s easy for me to do what I want.”

“It’s getting late, so take a good rest.”

Su Qingyu wanted to have her own children, and she wanted to go back now, but she was imprisoned here. The thought of finally getting together with the children and now something like this happened again made Su Qingyu feel very uncomfortable.

“Xuanyuan, at least you can help me with one thing.”

“what?You say.”

“Someone tried to assassinate me many years ago, but she didn’t give up until now. I suspect that Shiyi knows her clues. Can you help me contact Shiyi to make a deal?”

It’s rare for Su Qingyu to ask for something, Xuanyuanying looked happy, “Of course, if you let me know who is going to move you with a little effort, I will dig her ancestral grave tomorrow. I am different from a hypocrite like Li Tingchen. As long as I can achieve my goal, I will pay whatever it takes.”

This night, Su Qingyu tossed and turned.

On the fifth day she came to the island, she had already figured out the entire island, even which reef was hiding a few turtles clearly.

She glanced at the coastline that she couldn’t see, and dozens of escape plans flashed in her mind. In the end, she died before she started, and she was stranded before the plan was implemented.

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