Even After Death

Chapter: 2146

“What kind of gratitude is that?Su Qingyu gave a cut, turned and left, thinking with his toes that Xuanyuan couldn’t just send her back casually.

Yang Qingluo is sitting on her lap knitting hats for kittens. The temperature in Kaliken in winter will not be lower than ten degrees. Most of the time it is about twenty degrees, which is very warm.

She has also been here for more than 60 years, but she still maintains the old habit in her bones, knitting something in winter.

Su Qingyu leaned over and heard her muttering: “Who is it like?Obviously I feel so familiar, why can’t I remember it?”

The little cat on her lap stared at her with a chubby face, Yang Qingluo stretched out her hand and rubbed the cat’s face, “Dough, Grandma didn’t mean you.”

Su Qingyu squatted beside her and took Yang Qingluo’s hand, “Old lady, think slowly if you can’t remember, don’t worry.”

Although Yang Qingluo is old, her eyes are not muddy, and her black pupils are black and bright.

She raised her hand and stroked Su Qingyu’s face, muttering in her mouth: “Very familiar, who is it, and who is it?”I shouldn’t forget such an important person.”

The more I think about it, the more it hurts,“Hiss.”

Seeing that Su Qingyu was in a bad state, he quickly comforted her: “Don’t think about it, old lady, I am no one. My name is Su Qingyu. You close your eyes and rest for a while.”

It didn’t take long for Yang Qingluo to fall asleep in the rocking chair. Su Qingyu put a blanket on her lap and lit a soothing incense on the side.

The kitten was playing with hairballs on the ground, and Xuanyuan was waving a spatula in the kitchen.

Li Tingchen also often cooks for her, but his every move is full of dignity. After all, he has lived in a well-regulated family since he was a child.

Xuanyuanying’s movements were free and easy, and he was quite a bit of a food stall cook.

Seeing Su Qingyu standing behind him without saying a word, he raised his eyebrows at Su Qingyu, “What?I haven’t seen a man cooking before, so I’m fascinated by it?I allow you to like me.”

Su Qingyu put his hands around his chest and pointed to the bloody meat on the side, “If it were Achen, this meat would be handled cleaner.”

Xuanyuan Ying snorted coldly: “As far as his pampered young master has a temper, he can cook?Playing two hares in the wild and roasting two fish are the pinnacle of his cooking skills.”

Su Qingyu smiled softly. The world had many misunderstandings about Li Tingchen, just like her previous stereotypes of Xuanyuan.

“No, the ginkgo black chicken soup he cooked is very delicious, and there are braised pork ribs. The heat is just right. When we first got married, he would cook for me when he had time.”

Xuanyuan Ying’s thin lips curled coldly: “You also said that it was when you first got married, and then he did it for others, right?”

Su Qingyu: “……”

Su Qingyu couldn’t deny it, because it was a fact.

When she was pregnant, Bai Yuanyuan happened to return home. She was also pregnant. In order to prove that Li Tingchen was good to her, she also asked Li Tingchen to cook for her.

At that time, Li Tingchen was full of guilt for Qi Lin, and she was obedient to all Bai Yuanyuan’s demands.

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