Even After Death

Chapter: 2147

“It’s boring to chat with you.”Su Qingyu muttered.

“I broke my mind.”

Xuanyuan brought a bunch of sparks with a beautiful weighing pot, “I wouldn’t be like that. I’m like a wolf. Once the prey is found, I won’t let go. I won’t be three-hearted. I admit that I was born not as good as Li Tingchen, but I can give you less than what he can give you today.”

Su Qingyu sneered: “When a man pursues a woman, he swears and talks sweetly. How do I know if you are the next Li Tingchen?”Or do you think I’m an 18-year-old silly white sweet, and you can coax me away by playing a tyrant with three melons and two dates?”

“Okay, I won’t force you, then tell me about you and him, how did you meet?”

Xuanyuan Ying felt that he still knew that he knew each other, so that the winning rate was higher.

Since Xuanyuan wanted to hear it, Su Qingyu naturally wanted to satisfy him.

She told the story of herself and Li Tingchen softly, and at the end she looked at Xuanyuan and said, “Does it sound good?””

Xuanyuanying snorted coldly: “Dog blood, a rotten plot that storytellers can’t use, but it’s just a life-saving grace. Do you have to agree with each other?”

Su Qingyu Nunu said, at this moment he seemed to be a certain friend, Su Qingyu said seriously: “At that time, I was so young, the sea was like a monster with a huge mouth open, the sky was lightning and thunder, and the waves roared, and he jumped off the military ship and lifted me up from the water like a god descending to the earth!”

Even after more than ten years, she will be heartbroken when she thinks of such a scene now.

How can you not be excited?His arms were so strong, even if his voice was cold, it calmed her nervous and scared heart.

“Ignorance.”Xuanyuan Ying snorted coldly.

He set the fried beef on the plate, then raised his head and glanced at Su Qingyu, “Hey, if I have a life-saving grace for you, will you promise me?””

Su Qingyu replied: “No.”

“Why?Where is Lao Tzu worse than him?”

Su Qingyu took out his chopsticks and hung his head and said, “Xuanyuan, you don’t need to compare with anyone. You are you. You are unique in the world. Maybe your life is not as good as Achen, but you are the seed that will break ground in the cliff. You have advantages that no one else has.”

“Then you……”

“I won’t promise each other by myself, because I’m not a little girl who was in love when she was a teenager. What you met is a person who has experienced the sweetness of love, withered, desperate, and finally survived. For me as a teenager, love is a necessity, but not now.”

Su Qingyu said seriously: “Do you understand?I don’t accept that it’s not because of you. It’s because we met at the wrong time. We can’t be partners, but we can be friends, right?”

“Sweet words.Xuanyuan Ying turned and left with the beef.

This woman is so powerful that she wants to bewitch him with a few words, but fortunately, he is firm-hearted.

Su Qingyu looked at his back, a creature like a man is very strange.

They are very happy when you tell them a lie, but they don’t believe it when you tell the truth.

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