Even After Death

Chapter: 2161

Li Tingchen frowned slightly, “If someone close to him wants to start, then you are in a very dangerous situation, Susu, don’t go to this muddy water.””

“Achen, I will pay attention to safety. I don’t know why. Seeing Su Shiluo’s weak face, I want to cure him. Maybe this is the doctor’s medical ethics.”

Li Tingchen still couldn’t rest assured, “If you insist on not leaving, I will send someone to protect you tomorrow.”

“Okay, I will be careful.”

Su Qingyu always felt that this Su family was a bit strange when he thought about it. The fifth lady was dead, the third young master had a broken leg, and Su Shiyu’s life was on the line. If the real murderer was in the Su family, then everyone was suspected.

Even this seemingly good Uncle Li.

At this time, Su Shiyu’s phone came in, and Su Qingyu connected, “Mr. Su.”

“I heard that you have arrived and let Shi Luo fall asleep.”

The news spread very quickly, Su Shiyu knew it, and that person must also know it.

This is not a good thing for Su Qingyu, her voice is a little low: “Yes.”

Su Shiyu also heard something wrong in her voice and asked, “Is my brother’s leg difficult to treat?””

“Mr. Su, it’s not about legs now.”

“What do you mean?”

“I suspect that there is a problem in your Su family. Someone wants to kill the third young master, and this person must be very familiar with each of you, Mr. Su, you must keep my identity secret.”

Su Shiyu actually felt it a long time ago, but this fact came out of an outsider’s mouth a little bit heart-wrenching.

“Xiao Yu, don’t worry, Uncle Li is a usable person. In addition, the security is all my people. They will ensure your safety. What else did you find?”

Su Qingyu looked at the slanting rain silk on the glass window and said his guess: “The third young master has been chronically poisoned. His depression was deliberately guided by someone. The car accident is just a cover. Didn’t you find that the place where he lives is so precise that every layout is full of desolation, let alone a person with a broken leg, even a normal person living here for many years will breed depression. Mind.”

“Residential?I haven’t noticed this. The third brother’s temperament has changed drastically since the car accident. His preferences are very different from before. Everyone in the family has been moved out by him. You just said that he was poisoned. Is his poison very serious?”

Su Qingyu frowned, “If it’s only half a year and a few months, this poison won’t have much effect, but if it’s three years and five years, it will affect a man’s sperm and make him lose his fertility. Secondly, various organs will slowly fail, the most terrifying thing is……”

Su Shiyu on the other end of the phone had already held her breath, “What?”

“This kind of poison can’t be seen at all in a short period of time. At most, people look at it in poor spirits. When people really notice something wrong with their bodies, they are exhausted. The third young master has not lived with you all the year round, and he has not seen you for a while. You will only think that he is the psychological cause of the car accident. He will not associate with poisoning. The person who poisoned is very cruel and very patient. Mr. Su, who did you offend?This poison is called Drunk Hongyan, and it is a toxin developed by poisonous insects.”

Su Shiyu gritted his teeth: “It’s a junkie again!”

Su Qingyu also felt that it was a coincidence. After all, her life was related to the behind-the-scenes of the junkies. Now the Su family is also linked to the junkies, and even Li Tingchen’s sister is also involved. Is anyone doing a game?

“This kind of poison is like alcohol. At first, I didn’t feel drunk. It penetrated into the internal organs a little bit. When I found out, it was too late to get drunk. Although it was not visible on the surface, there were not many symptoms, but after so many years, the blood analysis report of the third young master can definitely tell the clues. It is someone who has hidden the real facts.”

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