Even After Death

Chapter: 2169

Su Qingyu said little, so she squatted down and raised her hand to touch Xiao Wu’s face, “The little girl is so cute, how old are you?””

Xiaowu and Su Qingyu both wore a layer of masks on their faces. Although they used materials as thin as cicada wings, if they met someone who knew how to behave, they would know that it was not the real skin touch.

Xiao Wu was very smart and hid behind Su Qingyu, avoiding Su Shiyue’s hand.

Su Qingyu explained: “Sorry, my daughter has always been very timid.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I just think Xiaowu is very cute. In short, when Dr. Su arrives here, he will treat it as if he is at his own home. You can tell me anything you have. Don’t be restrained. I also pointed to you to treat the third brother earlier. Good.”

Su Qingyu nodded, “I will do my best. Does Miss Liu live here too?””

“I want to stay with the third brother every day, so that the third brother won’t be cranky, but he is very busy at work, so I can only take time to come and see the third brother.”

“The brother-sister relationship between the sixth lady and the third young master is really enviable.”

Su Qingyu sighed softly, and Su Shiyue smiled softly: “My parents are kind and gave birth to our six children. It’s a pity that the fifth sister went early and we all have a good relationship.”

“It’s really happy to live in such a family.”

Su Qingyu said from the bottom of her heart that she had hoped that she would have a brother and sister since she was a child. After her mother left, she was the only one left with her father. Every time she looked at other people’s brothers and sisters, her eyes were full of envy.

Su Shiyue looked at her sideways and asked, “What, is Dr. Su an only child?””

“I was abandoned by my parents as soon as I was born. I was raised by my master. He treated me like a pearl, but there were no other sisters in the family alone, which was not as lively as the Sixth lady’s family.”

Su Qingyu patiently chatted with Su Shiyue for a long time, until Su Shiyue’s phone rang. It was a work matter, and Su Shiyue had to leave in a hurry.

But Su Shiyuan stayed specially, as if to monitor her.

After a long time, he got into a fight with Xiaowu because he was not satisfied with the embroidery when he drew a dress.

Su Qingyu asked someone to prepare some medicinal materials, and Su Shiyuan designed it not far away. Xiao Wu saw him struggling there alone for a long time, so he went over and took a look, and by the way, he understood what Su Shiyuan was going to do.

She picked up the paper and pen and drew aside. Su Shiyuan glanced at her with Yu Guang, only to think that the child had nothing to do with scribbling and ignored it.

Until the colored manuscript was handed to Su Shiyuan half an hour later, Su Shiyuan’s eyes lit up.

He recognized the panjin embroidery painted on the pattern at a glance, and immediately opened his mouth, “Why didn’t I think of using Panjin embroidery?”Gorgeous and dignified, this is in line with the main design of the clothes.”

Su Shiyuan looked at Xiao Wu with a lot of bright colors in his eyes, “Little one, do you know Panjin embroidery?”Can you still draw?”

Xiao Wu just stood by and watched for a while, and she was able to easily draw his embroidery, which showed that her painting skills were very good.

Xiao Wu typed a sign language, Su Shiyuan was very embarrassed, he couldn’t understand it!

Su Qingyu explained: “In the stockade where Xiaowu used to live, everyone would be embroidered with gold, and every household would wear their own embroidered dresses during important festivals. She would understand a little bit.”

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