Even After Death

Chapter: 2178

He hasn’t forgotten each other for so many years, it can be seen that he is also an infatuated lover.

Su Qingyu looked at the farmers in twos and threes nearby, and felt a little strange and asked Uncle Li: “Doesn’t that Miss Jiang have no family?””

It stands to reason that she wants to go back to her hometown for burial. There must be many family members here, but on the day of her death today, there is no memorial in front of her grave, and as Su Shiluo, even if she didn’t become their son-in-law in the end, she should come and see him.

Su Shiluo has been here for more than half an hour, and this matter has long spread in a small place like the countryside.

Uncle Li sighed heavily: “Speaking of which, Miss Jiang is also a poor person. She finally flew out of the ravine and had a bright future, but she died. When her parents learned of her death, they hurriedly came to collect her daughter’s body. Because of her brother’s impatience, the speed was too fast and the family fell off the cliff, which was a tragedy……”

“The whole family is dead?”

Uncle Li nodded, “It’s dead. Originally, her sister-in-law was pregnant at home with a big belly and did not get in the car to escape. When the news of her family’s death came, her sister-in-law had palpitations and gave birth prematurely on the spot. Because there was no one at home during the premature birth, the phone was out of power, and the best rescue time was missed. When the people in the village found out, one corpse and three lives were really pitiful. It was clear that she was still pregnant with twins.”

What kind of human tragedy is this, just listening to it makes people feel pitiful.

Su Qingyu found it strange. Although it sounds reasonable, is this too coincidental?

Jiang Wan heard that Su Shiluo had an accident and was in a car accident when she turned around. Her family came to collect her body and had a car accident. Even her sister-in-law was born prematurely.

What if someone did it deliberately?That person is too vicious!

Su Qingyu asked again: “Uncle Li, what I don’t understand is that the third young master and Miss Jiang have a deep relationship, and they have reached the point of talking about marriage. Why did Miss Jiang suddenly break up and go abroad?”

“In fact, I’m not very clear about this issue. Miss Jiang is emotionally stable and very motivated. The Su family is very satisfied with this daughter-in-law. She and the third young master have a very good temper. It is rare for the two to quarrel. Only that time the young master blushed and lost his temper with Miss Jiang, saying that if she left, she would not come back. Miss Jiang left without looking back, but what I saw was that Miss Jiang blushed when she left, and she left crying.”

“Did the third young master bully her?”

“Miss Su, maybe the young masters of other wealthy families are very wandering, but the Su family is not like this. The wife and husband have been taught strictly not to play with women’s feelings since they were young. Therefore, once the third young master recognizes Miss Jiang, he treats her as his wife. The Su family is powerful and the third young master has a good temper. How could he bully Miss Jiang?”

Uncle Li sighed, “It’s just that this couple quarreled at the head of the bed, so how could young people not make a noise?”On the day Miss Jiang went abroad, didn’t the third young master also chase her?He still wanted to save this relationship, but unfortunately no one expected it……”

“If nothing happens to Miss Jiang, their children will already be able to make soy sauce.”

“This is that people’s calculations are better than heaven’s calculations.”

“Yes, Miss Jiang is such a nice person……”

Su Qingyu glanced at the graves next to him, walked under the apricot tree and beckoned, Yuan Feng walked over quickly.

Su Qingyu lowered his voice: “You go and find out the death of Jiang Wan’s family, especially the reason for Jiang Wan’s departure.”

“Yes, miss.”

Su Qingyu never believed that there were so many coincidences in this world, some of them were just long-planned.

Although Su Shiluo would come every year to pay homage, his feelings for Jiang Wan had never changed.

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