Even After Death

Chapter: 2181

No wonder Su Shiluo prepared the gift before he left. At first, Su Qingyu thought it was for Jiang’s family.

She asked Uncle Li a few more questions, and the answer she got was not much different from what Yuan Feng said.

Aunt Wu pushed Su Shiluo to her yard, and a big tree was planted in the yard.The big apricot tree has petals falling all over the ground.

Although the house is dilapidated, it is clean and comfortable to look at.

She didn’t have so many rooms, and the bodyguards spent the night in the car outside.

Su Qingyu took the child, and Aunt Wu specially arranged a side room for her.

“Dr. Su, I don’t know that there will be more people this time. There has been no one in this side room for a long time. I have wronged you for one night.”

“You’re welcome, the mountains and waters here are beautiful, and there are insects buzzing at night. I think it’s pretty good.”

When making the bed, Aunt Wu asked again: “Dr. Su doesn’t look big. Even the child is so old. The child’s eyes are so beautiful. The father must also be very handsome. How can he rest assured that you will bring your child to this kind of backcountry?””

Su Qingyu touched Xiao Wu’s head, “I have been divorced for a long time, and my business has nothing to do with him.”

Speaking of divorce, the other party hesitated a little when making the bed.

“Dr. Su never thought about finding another one?”

Su Qingyu stared at Aunt Wu’s back, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: “How can you not want to?The child is so young, I always have to have a man by my side as a woman. My ex-husband has a bad temper. If you look for me again, you have to find someone with a good temper.”

Su Qingyu paused and added: “I think a man like Mr. Su is very good.”

The pillow towel in the opponent’s hand landed.

Su Qingyu squinted and asked, “Aunt Wu, what’s wrong with you?””

Aunt Wu picked up the pillow towel in a panic, “You see, I’m always slippery when I’m old.”

She made the bed in twos and threes, “Dr. Su, then I will wrong you. I won’t greet you if the meat is still stewed on the stove.””

As Aunt Wu hurriedly left, Su Qingyu looked at her back meaningfully.

At this time, Li Tingchen’s phone came in, and Su Qingyu looked around to make sure that no one connected.

“Susu, what you asked me to investigate is clear. The Jiang family did die a few years ago, but…”…..”

He stretched his tail, as if there was a turning point, Su Qingyu hurriedly asked, “But what?”

“There is a suspicion. At that time, Su Shiluo was undergoing surgery in the hospital. The person who collected the body for the Jiang family was a distant cousin. After the Jiang family was buried, he disappeared. The place where Jiang Wan stayed was called Xinghua Village. The most taboo in this rural area is the red and white wedding. If something happens to any family, the surrounding neighbors and neighbors will come to help, especially Bai Shi has to find a husband to see the day, and he will be buried in three to seven days. Sometimes there have been no good days recently for ten and a half days, or even a month. There are all those who are buried. This Jiang family is the next day. It was done hastily.”

Li Tingchen paused and continued: “The more poor the small places, the more they care about the etiquette of burial, especially the family is dying, and they have to wait for the grievances of the deceased to disappear before they are buried. How can it be so simple to do things? In short, this Jiang family is a bit strange. If you give me a little more time, I will find out more.”

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