Even After Death

Chapter: 2203

“Great.”Su Qingyu was so happy that he couldn’t help himself.

It’s like I also found salvation back then.

Su Shiluo saw Su Qingyu appear, and Xiao, who stopped in his hand, took the initiative to greet her: “Sister Qingyu.”

“Third brother, how are your legs?”

“It still hurts a little. The robot assistant checked me and said there was no problem.”

“There will be pain within a week. This is normal. On the contrary, the pain proves that the operation was successful. If it doesn’t hurt, it will be in vain, but you have to insist on a review so that you can get better faster. Even if you can stand up in the early stage, you shouldn’t stand for too long every day.”

“Sister, thank you so much this time.”

Several people clearly recognized their relatives only yesterday, but that kind of intimacy seemed to be in their bones, not at all unfamiliar.

Su Shiluo recuperated on the island for a week, until his leg condition improved, he would continue to recover every day, and his atrophied calf slowly improved.

When he stood by the sea, who would have thought of his depression in the past few years.

“Brother, we have to go back.”

Su Shiyu handed the two of them a copy of information, “I suspect that these things have something to do with Su Mingtang. The evidence found so far cannot prove that it must be him. In short, you must be careful when you go back. Be sure to guard against him.”

“Yes, brother, just take care of your injuries, and leave the family affairs to me. Don’t worry about it.”

After saying goodbye, Su Qingyu accompanied Su Shiluo on the road back to Su’s house. Looking at the vast sea, she thought of Li Tingchen.

Thousands of miles away, her home is in City A, and there are people who have been waiting for her to go home.

She had a hunch that the truth would soon come to light.

When she pushed the wheelchair back to Su Shiluo’s villa, Su Shiyue quickly greeted her.

Her face was full of anxiety, “Third brother!Where have you been, the phone can’t get through, and you can’t get in touch everywhere. Do you know how worried I am about you.”

Su Shiluo smiled and said, “My sister is worried. Xixi and I went out for a walk.”

Su Shiyue looked at Su Qingyu, her face obviously unnatural, “Xixi?”

“By the way, I forgot to tell you. Xixi and I are very attached. We have decided to be together. Sister, you will definitely be happy for us, right?”

Su Shiyue was stunned at the scene. When Uncle Li said this before, she only found it ridiculous. What is Su Shiluo’s origin?How high is his vision.

In addition to her slightly better figure and fair skin, the woman in front of her has mediocre facial features, and the most terrible thing is that she still carries a small oil bottle!

Is Su Shiluo crazy?Or did this woman give him some ecstasy?

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