Even After Death

Chapter: 222

Holding her wrist tightly with one hand, she looked back to her senses, not knowing when she ran back to pray for Xiao.

Su Qingyu’s face was flustered, “He’s here!”

“I know, don’t be afraid.Qi Xiao touched her head to comfort her, “I’ll take you away, come with me.””

Su Qingyu was panicked and confused. She quickly followed Qixiao down the trail and got off the island. There was a speedboat staying there. As long as she stepped on the speedboat, she was free.

But can she really be free?

She glanced back, someone had already found her trace, and reported it to Li Tingchen as soon as possible.

Li Tingchen’s sullen voice came from the loudspeaker: “Su Qingyu, if you dare to escape, I will burn this island!”

The nightmare of many days became a reality, and Li Tingchen’s voice entangled her tightly like a nightmare.

Su Qingyu’s psychological defense line completely collapsed, and she trembled: “I have to go back.”

Qi Xiao said seriously: “There is still a glimmer of life now.”

“How many lives will it take for my life to be exchanged for this glimmer of life?This island does not exist on the map, and even the residents of the island do not have any identity information. Have you seen those warships?As long as he said that the people on the island were all vicious terrorists, they could fire, and he didn’t have to take any responsibility.”

Qi Xiao frowned and said, “Who the hell is he?”

“I do not know.”Su Qingyu only knew that the night he rescued himself in the sea, Li Tingchen was wearing a camouflage uniform, and a warship not far away penetrated a pirate ship.

In the midst of the fire, Li Tingchen was wearing a mask of an evil spirit totem on his face.

After a few years of marriage, he occasionally left for a period of time on a “business trip”, maybe a few days, maybe a month, during which time he heard nothing.

There was not only one wound on his body, there was a knife wound, and there was also a Mukura wound.

He didn’t say it, she never asked.

She just vaguely knew that the Li family, like the Bai family, had a background.

She never cared who Li Tingchen was.

Her departure will hurt the people of this island, her way forward has long been cut off by herself, and she can’t go.

While she hesitated, Li Tingchen had already walked over. He stood on a high uphill slope, despising everything in the world like a king.

“Susu, as I said, you can’t escape.”

Su Qingyu looked up at him, the sun fell on him, but his pupils did not have the slightest temperature at all.

There is anger, ridicule, and contempt in it.

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