Even After Death

Chapter: 23

Most of the women my father could reach were in the company, and just when she was about to start with the company’s personnel, she received a call.

It was Wu Ren, a mountain child whose father had funded before, who called. His voice was slightly impatient: “Miss Su, I heard the news that Mr. Su was seriously ill as soon as I returned home. Is he okay?”

“Thank you for your concern, my dad is still receiving treatment in the hospital.”

“Hey, how could a good person like Mr. Su treat him like this?If it hadn’t been for him to fund us and bring us out of the mountains, how could we have the life we have today?”

A thought flashed in Su Qingyu’s mind. Su Qiping started to fund children in poor mountainous areas to go to school many years ago. If Li Lanrui was abducted and sold into the mountains, would it be for this reason that he knew his father?

“Brother Wu, do you know those students funded by my father?”

“I have been contacting them for Mr. Su. Most of them are acquaintances, but I have cut off contact with them in the past few years. If Miss Su needs any help, whether it is financial resources or energy, I will go to the sword mountain and go to the sea of fire.”

Su Qingyu grabbed a glimmer of life and immediately said, “I have a picture here. Can you help me see if it’s someone my father once funded?””

“Good Miss Su.”

Wu Ren sent her some information half an hour after Su Qingyu sent the photo.

The girl in the photo has white eyes and white teeth, and she is indeed seven points similar to the little girl on the tombstone, especially a pair of eyes that look like Li Tingchen.

This girl’s name is Zhao Fang. She came out of a barren mountain. Su Qiping has been funding her since 12 years ago. She has had excellent grades since she was a child. In high school, a number of top universities at home and abroad threw olive branches to guarantee places. She chose to stay in the country to study.

Maybe she was the one she was looking for, so Su Qingyu quickly made an appointment with Wu Ren.

Coffee shop.

Wu Ren visited on time. Su Qingyu met him once ten years ago. At that time, he was still a sentimental big boy, unlike the CEO of a listed company now, with a suit and shoes, and a full elite fan.

Even if the Su family went bankrupt, he still respectfully called her: “Miss Su has been waiting for a long time.”

“I just arrived too, Brother Wu, I won’t go in circles anymore. Do you still have contact with Zhao Fang?”

“It used to be. After I went abroad, I had less contact with my friends in China. Speaking of it, I haven’t contacted for two years.”

“Do you know her current situation?”

“I have just returned home for a few days. I still heard about what happened to the Su family from my friends. Zhao Fang and I don’t know much about it. At most, I just helped Mr. Su contact them in the past.”

Wu Ren picked up the coffee and took a sip to moisten his throat, “But since it was Miss Su’s request, I contacted her and my friends in the circle when I came. Unfortunately, the news was that she was dead. Hey, it’s a pity. Her grades are so good. If you don’t die, you should have a good future.”

“How did she die?”

“The specific cause of death is not clear. I heard that she was picked up from the sea.”

Su Qingyu frowned. There were a few doubts about the matter. Li Lanrui was almost six years old when she was abducted. She should have a memory.

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