Even After Death

Chapter: 2304

At that time, he deliberately concealed his identity, wanting to break out of the sky on his own.

As everyone knows, it’s not that simple to want to get out of the entertainment industry without connections. It was Su Linan who quietly arranged for a gold medal agent to approach him and protect him from any unspoken rules.

Even if he offended many people with his upright temper, Su Linan took care of him behind his back.

In addition to letting people tailor a set of fame plans for him, Su Linan even selected every polished script.

Therefore, Su Shifeng became a hit, without any scandal, and maintained a high popularity all year round.

The success of both their father and son was due to Su Linan’s building blocks behind them.

Except for the second Uncle Su’s family, the Third Uncle Su’s family loves art and doesn’t care about the old man’s property.

The fourth has left the Su family since Shen Lanzhi broke his marriage contract with him that year and flew to other countries to recuperate.

If this family hadn’t been for Su Linan, it would have been scattered a long time ago!

Old Man Su’s preference for him also has this consideration. He is more suitable to become an heir than several other willful and arrogant sons.

It’s a pity that no one knows what Su Linan has silently paid for the Su family over the years. When he was in distress, Second Uncle Su didn’t find a way to help, but suppressed his son and tried to take his place.

But Fu Changqing is different. He has the same relationship with Second Uncle Su, and Su linan also has half of his parents’ blood.

They haven’t even lived together, and they only recently learned of each other’s existence.

He was able to go all the way to the ocean to come to his brother and support him.

What an irony, Su Linan’s carefully cared for brotherhood ended up giving him a fatal blow.

The family members who had never thought of Xiao appeared by his side without warning, which made Su Linan feel very emotional.

Su Shiyue, who was silent on the side, looked at this scene in a panic. She didn’t know if Su Qingyu’s identity had been exposed, and many things had developed beyond her control.

Su Linan was so excited that he didn’t know what to say, but Su Shiyu said: “Mr. Fu has been here for a long time and has worked hard. Let’s sit down and rest for a while, and let us deal with some personal matters of the Su family.”

Fu Changqing glanced at Su Shiyu with relief, “You still have to call me a second uncle.”

In one sentence, the distance between the two was narrowed, and Su Shiyu was not polite, and obediently shouted: “Second uncle.”

The other brothers also followed, and Fu Changqing’s unsmiling face became more gentle, “You still have a little girl, I will introduce you to you another day.””

The better the attitude of the Fu family, it was like a silent slap on the face of other people, which made Su’s family not human.

It stands to reason that this is a family matter of the Su family, and it is inconvenient for outsiders to be present, but what is Fu Changqing’s identity?

The bodyguards he brought were tall and unspeakable, with sharp eyes and murderous aura, and they were specially trained at first glance.

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