Even After Death

Chapter: 231

The two of them looked at each other in the air, like a lion and a tiger, and their eyes were separated at the touch of a button.

They understand that today is by no means the end.

Su Qingyu left the island before she could say goodbye. She looked at the cabin, the huge cherry tree, and the aunt standing in front of the door. The children were watching her leave.

And Qi Xiao, who didn’t know when he disappeared, the sun only caught his back, like a lone wolf, drifting away in the forest.

Goodbye, little island.

Su Qingyu closed her eyes. It was a pity that she still couldn’t wait for the cherry blossoms to bloom.

Moreover, if Li Tingchen brought her back with such fanfare, she would definitely be discovered and her plan would be destroyed.

“What?Reluctant?”Li Tingchen’s deep voice sounded in her ears.

Su Qingyu is now paying great attention to his words, for fear that something wrong with that sentence will anger Li Tingchen.

She shook her head, not knowing how to answer for a while.

The truth will make Li Tingchen angry, but he can see through the lies at a glance.

Her fear of him had penetrated into her bones, and Su Qingyu didn’t even know what to say.

Li Tingchen seemed to be aware of this too. He leaned forward and approached her, and Su Qingyu shuddered conditionally, like a frightened cat, looking at him with a wary face.

She was so shocked, Li Tingchen stretched out her hand to catch her into her arms, Su Qingyu did not dare to struggle, leaning on his chest motionless, listening to his strong heartbeat.

She shrank her body, unable to guess Li Tingchen’s mind, or how he would torture her next.

The plane landed on the tarmac of Lizhai, and Su Qingyu was frightened for no reason.

Even her legs were trembling when she got off the plane, and Li Tingchen’s afterglow fell on her trembling body.

Su Qingyu is especially like a stray cat in the wild. After experiencing severe beatings by humans, he is particularly vigilant to humans.

Whenever Li Tingchen looked at her, her eyes were full of fear.

Just like now, obviously he didn’t do anything, but just glanced at her with Yu Guang, and her body trembled slightly.

Although Su Qingyu came back, he became more sensitive and even timid than before.

She would carefully check his expression, and she didn’t dare to say what she thought at will.

Such Su Qingyu made Li Tingchen feel a lot more irritable.

Su Qingyu stared at his back, always feeling that he seemed to be angry again, but he didn’t do anything or say anything. Why should he be angry?

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