Even After Death

Chapter: 2346

He had the same idea as Li Lanrui. They owed Su Qingyu, so Li Tingchen didn’t stop him, and like Li Lanrui, he acquiesced to this condition.

“No way.”

Su Qingyu’s voice of rejection sounded, and for a while everyone’s eyes were turned towards her. It was obvious that Su Qingyu was the one who refused.

“Why?She used to treat you like that, do you still feel sorry for her?”

“One yard to one yard, you can count the hatred between you and Li Lanrui by yourself. I don’t have the right to pull others in on the matter between you and me.”

Su Shiyue snorted coldly, “You know what I hate about you the most?”That is, you will always look high above, compassionate to all beings, Su Qingyu, women are not ruthless and unstable, you are so soft-hearted, sooner or later you will suffer a big loss.”

“If you just want money, you can contact the person behind you, and we will pay in person and solve the puzzle in one hand.”

Su Shiyue’s body was also infected with Gu insects, and people on both sides were anxious to solve the Gu as soon as possible.

“In addition to 20 billion, I also want a hostage to ensure that we leave smoothly.”

“Hostage?You want to be beautiful.”Su Qingyu refused without thinking about it.

Su Shiyue looked at her coldly, “Su Qingyu, there are many forces behind you. If I don’t have this hostage, even if I detoxify you, you will be caught immediately. Why should I come here?”Don’t worry, as long as I get the money to find a place where there is no one to spend the rest of my life, if you let me go, I will definitely let this hostage go.”

Li Tingchen said, “I will be your hostage.”

Su Qingyu subconsciously grabbed Li Tingchen’s hand. Su Shiyue was cunning, so she didn’t worry about her family.

“Mr. Li, you think I’m stupid and take you as a hostage. I don’t know how I died. I want her to be my hostage.”

Su Shiyue pointed to Xiaowu’s face, “Your daughter, she is not old, and she is your flesh and blood. There is no threat to me. She is the best candidate.””

“No way!I won’t promise you.”

What Su Qingyu cared about most in her life was a few little cubs, each of which was a baby she gave birth to at the risk of death. How could she bear to let Xiaowu be involved in such a dangerous thing.

Jingle bell……

Xiao Wu walked up and made a gesture to Su Qingyu.

Mom, I do.

As long as she can rescue her mother, it doesn’t matter what she does.

Although the children were not young, they all knew that Su Qingyu had suffered too much.

If it hadn’t been for Su Qingyu’s persistence, she would have died a long time ago.

Now she just can’t speak. Xiaowu is already very satisfied that she can be with her parents and older brothers and sisters.

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